Slimy, slippery, and so entertaining…..Worms!!
All of my kiddos love looking under rocks and digging out wiggly worms in our yard. How about yours?

I might be sweating and working hard doing yard work, all while my kids are sticking their hands under my rake to grab the spring worms! As the fanatic homeschool mom that I am, I jump into action and I get a worms simple unit study on going!
This happened with my son not too long ago and we found some great resources and fun activities to observe the earthworm.
If you want to see why I prefer a simple Unit Study plan you can check out this post.
Then, to get started, grab my Simple Unit Study Plan FREE printable. This is the outline that I have used to create this Ocean Unit Study.

Worm Unit Study Objective
Worms are the perfect little wigglers to study in the springtime. If you are out there doing yard work or moving dirt in any way, you will be sure to unearth some earthworms.
These creatures are fascinating when you get a closer look.
For this study, I think that you can cover almost all there is to know about earthworms in a short time. The objective here will be to identify the parts of a worm, what they eat, how they impact the earth, and some fun facts.
When you get started, grab a bag of gummy worms for the kids!!
Books & Printables on Worms
Worms are a good topic to find specific books that will give you a great study on these guys.
Here are a few perfect books for this a simple study on worms. These are great to have on hand, but you can borrow most from your local library:
- Wiggling Worms at Work by Wendy Pfeffer
- Garden Wigglers by Nancy Loewen
- The Earthworm’s Life by John Himmelman
- Yucky Worms by Vivian French
- Curious about Worms by Kate Waters
Grab some fun worm printables!

You want some simple printables that are easy and fun, like print and go.
A few FREE printables I found that fit perfect for this study are:
- Book Units Teacher has a worm facts page
- Homeschool Creations has a Wormery Observation Printable that will go great with the below activity
- Homeschool Share has a full worm lapbook. You can print the pages you want or complete the whole project.
These are just a few suggestions to make it super stress-free for you!! You can check out my Nature Science Pinterest board for even more worm unit ideas.
You can also have the kids draw a worm into their nature journals or notebooks. They can identify the parts or draw outdoor surroundings.
Activities & Crafts
A Worm jar or “wormery” is a perfect hands-on activity for this unit study.
It is simple and can be put together with the items in your backyard. Rainy Day Mum has a great, easy to follow post to create one in a plastic bottle.
Add rocks, layers of dirt and sand, grass & leaves on top, then add a few wiggly worm friends to get the show moving.
Daily observations of the wormery keep the kids engaged as they see how the worms move and mix the dirt around.
Here is a fun Worm Farm you can order with all the things needed to observe and explore worms.
Simple Worm Unit Study Extra’s
After you have done some reading, exploring, and creating you might want to sit back and enjoy a few YouTube clips that the kids will love!
SciShow Kids has a few terrific ones plus a few others:
- Worms are Wonderful
- Why Do Earthworms come out After the Rain?
- Worms – Invertebrate animals for kids
- Earthworm | Animal Fact Files
Get the kids out there after the rains and lifting up rocks to find the earthworms wiggling in the ground.

I hope you have fun using these quick ideas for your next worms simple unit study. Let me know if you got in the fun too, momma!!

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