“Momma. Huggy!” My four-year-old is good for this request when I am hands down in the middle of anything – rinsing dishes, on the phone, typing away on my laptop, you name it.
It can be hard to stop what I am doing — since it feels like the 267th interruption for the hour, but when I do, OH, what a blessing. Joy on her little face and in her twinkling eyes. The blessing of giving to my little girl makes it worth the pause.

Sometimes I’m not sure if it is the gift of seeing a smile on someone else’s face or just God repaying the giving with the blessing of His peace and His joy….probably both!
Either way, I do know that there is a blessing when we GIVE.
Give time.
Give financially.
Give the perfect little “thinking of you” gift.
Give words of encouragement or advice.
Give Thanks.

Whatever way it is that you give, there is a gift right back to you. This kind of giving, or offering as shown in Romans 12, is a form of service and worship to God.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God— this is your true and proper worship.”
~ Romans 12:1
If you are like me there seems little time to “offer” of myself…and so little of an offering left some days…but I have learned that when I do give sacrificially, and out of an empty well, God refreshes me and causes my cup to “runneth over” (Psalm 12:5).
You might also like this post on God’s Love.
Early in my walk with God, I had a wise woman speak into my life. I was telling her all about how I had been in a car accident with my new (to me) car and I was complaining about the time it would take to repair it, how terrible the person was who had sideswiped me, and woo is me.
She graciously listened, like I could hear her smile through the phone, and when I was finished she ever so gently recommended to me that I go and serve someone else.

WHAT?!?! Had she heard all I just said?
Well, it took me only about 1 minute to process her reply and I knew what she said was good.
I wish that I could tell you what I did that day to serve or give to someone else, but I cannot. What I can tell you, though, is that I have never forgotten the principle and I have repeatedly been blessed through giving right in times of suffering.
Check out this amazing book that speaks so perfectly on being the gift.
I think one of the best ways to GIVE is right from the life lessons that we have experienced.
No matter what season I am in, I know that God uses my personal experiences to give to others. As a mom of 4 amazing little humans, I have sure had some experiences that I can now “give” to other mommas – hopefully in this little bloggy thing.
In my marriage, I have been through some serious ups and downs – financially, parenting conflicts, and just dealing with married life. Today, my husband and I can encourage other newlyweds on the value of communication and compromise.
There are so many ways that we can give out of what God has done in our lives.
Sometimes we also know there are no words, just listening and showing we care.
The below shawl is the perfect gift to show love and care to someone who needs that physical touch of a warm hug.
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Giving Shawl, Cream Giving Shawl,like a giftable hug created and beautifully packaged for a close friend, a sister, aunt, or family member who may be walking through tough times or just need to be reminded of how much they are loved.
More and more I find myself praying over my children that they would experience the blessing of giving and be the gift to others. I see them in the little things like encouraging words, blessing, serving, and giving and it is just another area where God blesses me.
At a craft store one time, as I stood in the check-out line with my 4 wiggly humans, the woman in front of us was completing her transaction. As she stepped back, her walking cane fell. I watched as my 6-year-old rushed to the rescue and picked it right up for her.
Talk about a proud momma moment!! Woo-hooo, what a blessing that was to see!
Why not pray tonight when you tuck in your babies?? “Make them a gift, Lord. To You and all those they come in contact with!!”
Related: Time to Connect

Here are a couple incredible books on being grateful.
We can learn to be the gift in the lives of those around us today.
Grab a journal and allow God to direct your heart in recognizing the good things in your life today.
Giving is a two-way street. I have been the recipient of many gifts – that financial blessing at just the right time, or a timely word of advice.
Receive the Gift.
I understand more now that allowing others to give to me is also allowing them to be blessed in their giving.
At times we can feel too proud or think that we have all the answers, but many, many times God has used the timely gifts of a friend to show His provision.
When this happens, you can know He is using them AND refreshing them simultaneously. What an awesome God!!

So, I challenge you — I do love a challenge — as we live to walk closely with Jesus, let us be the Generous Gift in the lives of those around us.
Give hugs.
Offer our hearts.
Serve with our lives.
Through the blessing of giving we receive fullness and refreshing.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
– Proverbs 11:25