“Thank you for this meal, Amen”
“Lord, I pray for my sister who hurt her finger.”
These are a couple of the sweet prayers that I often hear my children pray. I am thankful that they understand a little bit of the power there is in prayer.

One thing I want for my kids is to teach them to pray. To impress upon their childlike hearts is that they can go to God with anything at all!!
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (NIV) – Jeremiah 33:3
Are you looking for ways to teach your children how to pray? Do you long for them to have a personal connection with Jesus. Read on for insightful ideas and inspiration.
You are fully equipped to teach them, Momma. Here is a free printable to begin YOUR day.
During my faith journey, I have had the joy and pleasure of praying alongside some AMAZING prayer warriors and intercessors. As a young believer in Christ, I was in a small church that had intimate prayer meetings that enabled me the opportunity to learn how to pray.
Now, I do not believe that there is one perfect or specific way to pray, but I do believe that there is a way to learn how by the examples of others. I learned how to communicate with God and formed my own relationship with Him through personal prayer.
Need help to Pray Yourself? Check this post on How to Pray.
When our children are little we pray for them at bedtime or when there is a boo-boo. We teach them to pray before meals, and we can be the example by leading prayer as a family too.
In teaching my little ones how to pray I knew that I want each of them to do what I did as a baby Christian – form a personal relationship with Jesus, but was contemplating effective ways to do this.
I have come up with a few ways that have worked in our home and helped my kids to focus.
Grab this FREE Printable with bible verses on Prayer to get inspiration.
Here are some ideas to create the habits of prayer you desire for your kids.
ACTS of Prayer
The first method we implemented was the ACTS prayer series:
- Adoration & Praise
- Confession of sins
- Thanks for all we have
- Supply for needs
They have a color card system that helps them to keep on point. Each little card has the prayer part, a description, and a bible verse. We put them on a binder ring and the cards are sandwiched between cutouts of their hands – like these ones.
We go through each of the first three for 1-2 minutes each.
Prayer Board
For the fourth item – Supplication – we turn to our Prayer Board. We pray through our many needs for family, friends, America, our church family and ministries, missionaries, and other needs.
With a simple tri-fold board, we glue pictures and prayer cards on plus we added an American flag as prayer cues. Next, we use mini sticky notes to add current and specific needs.
We added the Bible Verse: “Pray Without Ceasing” from 1 Thessalonians. Putting this on the top of the board reminds us of our objecting!
A special section on our board is for “Answered” prayers, which we move over the sticky notes when appropriate.
All of this helps to give them a visual aid to teach them how to pray and also makes them active participants.

Supply List for Prayer Board
- Tri-fold board
- 3 – 6 Inch Lettering
- Post-it notes
By seeing the cues and reading the requests, my children have learned how to pray. They often ask to put a need on the board too and I know that their faith is increasing as they pray and see the needs answered.
YAY, God!!
You can teach kids to pray using any type of visual system!
I have seen families use picture frames, cork boards, and fancy wood prayer boards to tape photos onto. Others put them right on the kitchen refrigerator.
Use your imagination and find what fits your family best.
Memorizing scripture helps to teach us why and how we should pray.
We have memorized The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 and we have discussed how this is an illustration that Jesus gave to us for our daily communication with Him. The ACTS (above) follows close to this biblical principle so they get the scripture reference. Sometimes we recite the passage too.
Related Post: Mega Simple Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips
When you teach your kids to pray, you can show them what God’s Word says about prayer. Like in James 5:16 we learn that “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Or in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 that tells us ” Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances”
This is an instrumental key to teaching kids to pray! Combine the power of prayer with God’s Word and kids will learn to grow in relationships.
Here are some Terrific Resources!
In our home, the kids each have a prayer journal that we use most days.
I have to admit, I am not the kind of journaler I would like to be. However, I hope to give my kids a sense of how a prayer journal can be a real blessing in their lives.
Related Post: Best Journaling Tools for Women
To help them use this journal for prayer, we write names in with their needs, draw pictures, or copy a memory verse in. Other times we are writing about Godly characteristics with a picture of how they each can demonstrate it.
Prayer Habits for Life
Since implementing these different pieces into our routine I can truly say that my children have grown in confidence in their baby prayer lives.
My oldest daughter has offered to pray in her Sunday School and girls’ ministry classes, and my son is always first to lead his siblings at the table for each meal. I see them praying for each other and having prayer be the first response in hard circumstances.
They are more and more aware of the power and privilege of talking to God and being able to bring all of their needs to Him. Childlike faith alive in them…what more could I ask for!
My momma prayer is that my kids will understand the value of prayer and create habits that will last a lifetime.
Need more tips to Raise Spiritually Strong Kids? Check these posts out:
Why Kids Need Devotionals
Kid’s Hymn Study
Help Your Kids Develop Intimacy with God
Mega Simple Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips
In what ways do you teach kids to pray? Do you have something to add here? I would love a comment!

Check out my Pinterest for more Prayer Ideas and Inspiration on Family Christian Living!