How many times do you get halfway through your morning and feel like you already need a momma time-out? You were awoken early, feel short-tempered, and you’re lacking the joyful attitude you want to exhibit for your kiddos. How about a focus on Jesus?
Here is a simple prayer for moms to start your day!!

Since those mornings are not my favorites, we momma’s must be more intentional about how we can avoid them.
Using a simple, effective prayer to start each day, you will impact your perspective entirely!
You might start the day feeling like it’s going to be great, or you might start on the wrong side of the bed. Whichever it is beginning the day with a powerful morning prayer can change the trajectory altogether!
Many times we wake up with a boatload of worries and to-do’s. We must go to Jesus first and lay all our cares at His feet. He is the one who will give you peace and freedom.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
Starting your day this way will provide the breakthrough that you need. Getting into the presence of the King. Praise and Worship His name asking for His guidance.
Not sure how to pray….head here!
Pray for His peace to settle your heart.
Take a stand against the enemy saying “Not today, Satan!”
Remind yourself that you are more than a conqueror and that weapon formed against you will prosper (Ephesians 6:10).

Today is a new day that you can rejoice and be glad in. A fresh start with fresh mercy for you from the Lord. Forget the things of yesterday and recall all of the Lord’s goodness.
“This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24
Pray for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to work in and through you, touching those in your life. Patience, joy, humility, and love toward your family (Galatians 5). Ask Him to clothe you in His righteousness, compassion, and humility (Colossians 3: 12).
Don’t forget to give thanks!! Thank Him for your family and ALL that HE has provided. Salvation. Life. Love. Home, food, clothing. Give thanks for the privilege to bring everything to Him in prayer. What a gift we have.
FREE Sample Prayer for YOU
We have a mighty God watching over us and He is wanting to hear from us. Start each day with a simple prayer for moms and focus on Jesus.
Grab my FREE simple, effective prayer to start each day….beginning TODAY!


Here are some additional verses on PRAYER for you to print and post in a place to remind you of the POWER you have when you talk to God.