Do you wish you had more time in your day? Are you feeling overwhelmed and like that momma list will never be complete? Implementing these secrets to developing a simple family rhythm will give you relief.
As moms, it often feels like the days are running away from us. You can feel like there is just not enough time in the day to get it all done. Days turn to weeks, and weeks to months, etc. No matter how your plan is first thing in the morning, many of us find that by mid-day we’re off the rails.

What is a Simple Family Rhythm
When we started homeschooling I used to try and fully structure my day by a firm routine. There were only two of my kids I was trying to educate, so it seemed logical. I would sit down and designate what everyone in our home did each hour. What a way to set myself up for failure!! YIKES! Not only did this method not work, it made me feel worse.
After many continued attempts with this strategy anyway, and consequent failure, I decided we needed a change. I had heard about family rhythms and so I started to check it out.
I learned that the method of trying to vigorously structure my day was stressing me out – and stressing my kids out. Being a type-A personality means that I like to accomplish a lot in my day. I like to keep moving. I like to feel productive. My kids on the other hand, prefer slow and steady. So I needed to find balance and rhythm.
What I discovered is that it was better to be more flexible with our time frames. Rather than rushing from task to task and stressing out if we didn’t meet the task “deadline”, our days became more flexible. Family rhythm is when we use terms like “around 10 AM we take a walk”. Rather than being a “routine”, it is a lifestyle. Rhythm allows you to balance out necessary tasks while allowing room for life’s interruptions.
Family Rhythm is:
- developed with “time blocks”
- a consistent daily pattern
- flexible and flows
- provides buffers
- feels natural
Family Rhythm is NOT:
- stiff structure
- rigid
- stressful
- forced
Simple! Which type of day do you want to have? I don’t think that you are looking for stiff, rigid, and stressful. So lets get to it and look at the secrets to developing your family rhythm.

The Secrets
To help you develop your family rhythm, I created a simple worksheet for you. Before we get into how, let me share some secrets!
- You can TOTALLY do this!
- You can have a stress free home!
- You can accomplish all you need to each day!
- You can discover freedom in flexibility!
- You can change your family’s day beginning tomorrow!
The secret to developing a simple family rhythm is breaking down what you already do and visualizing it in a new way.
Developing your Family Rhythm
Are you ready to dive into developing your simple family rhythm?
My worksheet will enable you to identify key daily and weekly tasks that will bring a balance around your day. You will identify other home maintenance tasks, like cleaning and errands, and fit them smoothly into your rhythm. There will also be time left for you! All that you need and like to do can be part of your family’s rhythm.
You will see how your family flows, how to time block, and how to fit in priorities. This will quickly show you what your simple family rhythm should look like. Once you develop your family rhythm you can easily implement it with success. You and your family will know when things happen next and will more easily be able to transition.
In fact, you will likely see that you already have a rhythm that your family is functioning in. This exercise will help you perfect it and simplify it.
Additionally, your family rhythm will change from season to season. Children grow older, job changes, life happens. The beauty of having a family rhythm is that you can be flexible and modify as you go. You will feel the stress or if tasks seem forced and will know its time for a rhythm tweak.
Many days I am still very much trying to maintain rhythm and not revert back to my strict tendency. This is normal for people like me, I do love my structure. But keeping a family rhythm actually allows me to have a stronger personal structure. If you are like me, you will find that you can accomplish more when your family is flowing in a consistent rhythm.
I would love for you to share with me how it goes! Please leave me a comment!!