We mommas need that fresh start! This makes spring into summer a perfect time too for you to refresh your life, one area at a time.
Life gets so crazy, busy, with piles of paper and mail, areas of our homes and hearts that fill up with “stuff”. When the nice weather comes I absolutely LOVE when I can fly open the windows to let the fresh air in.

Spring is symbolized as new life and new beginnings; the Risen Savior, spring chicks & bunnies, buds on trees and spring flowers blooming.
After a long winter of being indoors and snuggling down with the hubs and kiddos, we can really feel like we need to stretch out and shake off all of the cold weather feelings. I love the change of season in New England, they all bring their own expectations and new activities and spring with WARM weather is no exception.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecc 3:1
As I began to pray about this spring/summer season I felt like there were some things in wanted to change in my routine to “freshen up” and refresh my life, one area at a time. I broke it into those key areas that I think you will LOVE too!
Refresh Your Relationship with God
Seeking first His Kingdom is where we begin, of course. There are some simple ways to refresh your life that start right here in our first love relationship.
Some key ways to refresh your walk with God can include:
- Select a new time of day or create a fresh space to pray and have devotions.
- Begin a prayer walk time where you can do a 20-30 minute walk alone to pray.
- Pick a new devotional to reflect on. Check out this one, or the ones I included below.
- Listen to a good, biblical podcast to minister to your heart. Just A Simple Home has a great list with some of my favorites here.
- Read a book for bible study on a topic you feel God is speaking to you about (not parenting *wink wink*)
- Actually rest on the Sabbath.
Devotions for Women and Moms that I love!!
Here is a FREE Morning Prayer printable I created you must grab!
Refresh Your Life, Body & Mind
I am always looking for some ways to help my body and mind feel physically refreshed. A good slash of water can get me moving but maybe it doesn’t need to be so dramatic on a daily basis!

Getting in the routine of releasing the stresses of life and comfortable in your skin daily helps maintain a peaceful heart.
Here are a few ideas to get you going.
Related: Does your Morning Need a Simple Reboot?
- Adjust your morning routine.
- Exercise….even if that means kicking around the soccer ball with the kids or going for a nature walk, stretch out your body at least once a day.
- Hydrate with water or my personal favorite — flavored soda water!
- Try to eat one “feel good” meal or food a day.
- Take a bath or a long shower.
- Get some new skincare products (or make some), buy a new lipstick color, or fresh perfume.
- Do one fun, personal activity in the “fringe hours”; those hours when the kids are preoccupied and you get a breather. Great book here for you to read about the Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner.
Re-Connect with the Hubs
Getting outdoors with my husband is one of my favorite things to do with him. There is something about being outside, sitting on a park bench with no TV screen in front of us that opens up the communication lines.
This is key in a marriage, especially since we have technology competing for our attention 24/7.

We mommas do need to be intentional about this area, so here are a few very simple options to try (with no phones)!
- Schedule a “fun” date per month like mini-golf, ice cream, bowling, baseball game, hit the beach, kayak, anything specific that you enjoy doing together.
- Go for a regular walk together.
- Get him to spark up that grill and have some nice steaks ready for just the two of you.
- Make out! Once those kids are sleeping, sit and enjoy the night hours in the privacy of your own home for a little smooching under the stars!
Get Out for Fresh Air with the Kiddos
If your kids are anything like mine, they are busting at the seams to get outdoors first thing in the morning. I have to keep them in until a reasonable hour but I absolutely want them to enjoy the outside as much as possible once the nice weather hits.
In order to prep for the spring and summer months of outdoor play, we have a few key things to prep first.
- Review the outdoor “Safety First” rules. Our list is a simple reminder to not go into any homes or cars, not talking to strangers on the street, boundaries of where the kids play, respect for the yards and property of others, and picking up the yard toys at the end of the day.
- Let them have a “car wash” and wash all their outdoor toys.
- Walk the neighborhood in the mornings.
- The changing of the clothes routine (not a favorite but necessary) – I recently did this and it took a full day for four kids.
- Pack your First Aid Kit and include the kids in learning what’s needed and how to use the items.
- Clean up and toss old yard toys.
- Check all bike tires for air.
- Plan some fun family outings and “dates” with your kids!
Related: How to Perfectly Stock your Homemade First Aid Kit.
Refresh Your Home with Spring Cleaning
The simple act of cleaning up and cleaning up will give you a huge breath of fresh air! This is last on my list because cleaning is a drag for this momma. It probably takes the most time and effort for me personally, but the rewards give me quick satisfaction and is super refreshing.
Implement a few of these home tips to refresh your life today!
- Use some DIY cleaning products with essential oils for some new clean scents
- Get the kids to help out with simple chores like washing walls & windows, going through old toys, sweeping outside, and raking the yard.
- Begin meal planning to take the burden off having to think of daily meals.
- Prepare to plant a garden
- Take a weekly Sabbath day from cleaning. (I do not need this reminder, it is for YOU…ha ha)

We don’t need to do ALL of these things to refresh your life, but if we pick one or two new things that we can do WELL then we might have just what we need.
There are many scriptures on being “refreshed”. Meditate on them and see how the Lord Himself might guide you in the areas where YOU personally require refreshing.
Psalm 19:7 – The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
Proverbs 11:25 – A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Exodus 31:17 – in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.
Genesis 18:5 – Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way.
Jeremiah 31:25 – I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.
Romans 15:32 – so that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed.
Do you feel Him speaking to you here? Share your heart in the comments and be refreshed, momma!