I don’t know about you but when I look at my “to-do” list most days I scratch my head and ask for more hours. The longer my list, the more I am reminded of why reading God’s Word Daily is Vital!
That is why I have created for you the Ultimate Guide on how to read God’s Word daily!!
This outline will explain WHY you need to read God’s Word daily. WHAT you gain by reading, meditating, and soaking in God’s Word. And HOW to be sure to read God’s Word daily no matter how busy you are.
This will enable you to go deep with Jesus every day even if you only have 5 minutes.

The truth is we mommas really do have many responsibilities that can’t be put off like…laundry and dishes, daily cleaning and feeding little mouths – whether they are home or at school, and meals must be prepped (they want to eat every. single. day).
Add in dentist appointments, grocery shopping, school meetings, etc., making sure that we make time for reading God’s Word can be a challenge.
In times of busyness, you need God’s Word more than ever!
You might know and understand the benefits of reading God’s Word every day. Maybe you also desire to do it. However, some days it just falls aside.
For me, I usually realize it when it’s about 3pm and my littlest human is freaking out for juice, my boys are asking for dinner already, and I am still trying to figure out when I will squeeze in a shower!!!
Anyone out there with me?!?!
On the busy days, just taking 5 minutes to soak deep into God’s Word settles my heart.
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Well, those are the days I think back to how it began and try to recall if I sat to soak in the amazing word of my King.
Why You Need God’s Word Daily
So let’s look at why reading God’s Word Daily is Vital.
Let’s first see what the bible says about reading God’s Word every day. You have likely been told that every Christian should read their bible daily, but WHY?
Jesus tells us that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4.
Like our bodies need food every day, our spirits need spiritual food every day. God’s Word is like a feast offered to us each day.
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I think that one of my favorite verses on why I need to read God’s Word daily is out of Psalm 119 verse 105 –
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path .”
This is absolutely one of my life verses. When I need wisdom or direction, God has so often provided this for me right in His Word. I have to go there and I have to be reading it, of course.
But He meets me. He speaks to me. He shows me what I need to know in His Word.
** Grab the FREE Scripture PRINTABLE below **
God’s Word is Power and Authority
The bible gives us insight into the power and authority of the scriptures. Isaiah tells us about the power of God’s word to in Chapter 55:11 –
“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose”
This tells us that whatever God says He is going to do, it is going to happen. It is the final authority on all things. As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign over everything in the universe, including your life. If He says that He is for you – then thinking or feeling anything other than that is absolutely not true.
Likewise, the writer of Hebrews tells of the scriptures as absolute authority.
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
God’s Word is ALIVE! It has the authority to direct your intents and your heart since the Word opens your eyes to see situations and circumstances in a fresh way. The Word can help you sort through a situation and make the best decisions.
Reading God’s Word Daily is Vital to be ready for the battle!

When you read God’s Word you begin to know the promises of God.
There are promises of life, blessing, protection, love, freedom, and so much more. These promises are for you and me, but we need to read the scriptures to know them and claim them as our very own.
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Daily reading of your bibles also equips you to pray and know God more. If you have never done a full study of Psalm 119, which is completely about God’s Word, then I highly recommend it.
God’s Word Gives Wisdom
Reading God’s Word Daily is Vital for Wisdom.
Have you ever been faced with a “fork in the road” type of decision? Like when you really need some wisdom on the best choice to make? Reading God’s Word will give you wisdom.
The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7
I recall a time when I was presented with a leadership role that I did not feel fully equipped for. When I prayed and looked back in my journal to see what insights I had previously written, I started to see that Jesus was guiding me. The verses that were jumping off the page at me, and that I was writing in my journal, were directly related to this new opportunity.
I continued to seek His Word and read my bible for direction. He graciously led me through those months of patiently waiting on Him for the right decision. He was faithful to speak to me in His word through the whole thing!!
This does not always happen, though, right? Wouldn’t you love for God to give specific words in all of your life choices? Sometimes He leaves the choice to us, but when we know that it lines up with His word then whatever decision we make, we can be confident He is with us.
Parenting comes with some HUGE needs for wisdom and guidance.
I recall several years ago when I was searching every parenting book that I could get my hands on for some help with one of my kiddos. Savagely turning all the pages of these amazing resources I have by the likes of James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family, or All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God’s Word is good for teaching and correcting our kids. It is good for training them up too. He says that God did this so that the [wo]man of God could be competent and equipped for it all! What an amazing truth and promise for you!
There are so many books out there that offer us guidance in every area of life. Books on parenting, marriage, leadership, health, self-confidence, and so on.
When we go to the Bible though, we can receive guidance in all of these areas and so much more!!

God’s Word Gives Encouragement
Who doesn’t need a good dose of encouragement each day? Reading God’s Word and being reminded of just who He says that you are is vital.
- I am Loved – John 3:16
- I am chosen – John 15:16
- I am forgiven – Romans 8:1
- I can do all things – Philippians 4:13
- I am not alone – Hebrews 13:5
- I have all I need – Psalm 23:1
These are clearly just a FEW of the many, many, many encouraging words that we can receive when we are reading God’s word daily. Nothing is more valuable to us as mommas than knowing that Jesus is for us, and that He is going to give us all the grace we need to face the day!
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To me, God’s encouragement is reason enough to remind me that reading God’s Word Daily is Vital.
God’s word is complete power, authority, wisdom, and encouragement.
These are just a few reasons why we need to read the bible every day.
6 Keys to Read God’s Word Daily
Since we know we need to be reading God’s Word every day, we have to be creative in how to accomplish it. How can we momma’s do this during some of the busy, crazy days of parenting?
Here are 6 key ways to insert God’s Word into your daily routine:
- Follow a daily reading plan, use it as the bookmark for your bible
- Read a Proverb or a Psalm when the kids eat (you can read out loud too)
- Hang verses on your bedroom or bathroom mirror with sticky notes (I have a FREE printable for you at the end of this post you can use).
- Write weekly memory verses on an index card and carry it with you (write out a few I referenced above on “encouragement”)
- Before reading social media each day determine to open a bible app first. A couple of my favorites are: BibleGateway or BlueLetterBible or YouVersion
- Make a family bible reading time each day, even just 10 minutes.
These are a few tips that I have totally used in different seasons of motherhood.
For the past few years, I have had a verse taped to the window over my kitchen sink that says “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15.
For me, this is perfect because I often will go to the kitchen if I need a momma time-out and stand looking out the window. This simple verse reminds me that Jesus is with me, I can trust Him to give me peace and grace.
I also ask my kids to read their bible after breakfast. This helps them form the habit of daily bible reading too. We have also done after dinner as our reading time, which works good too.
No Guilt
I believe we all go through different seasons of when we can spend that alone time savoring morsels of God’s truth. There are other times when we are living off crumbs. The Lord knows right where we are. He is not looking to condemn us if we don’t read 5 chapters a day.
Jesus is so much more concerned with our living the Word than just reading it. Of course, to live it we need to read it, but not in a legalistic sense. He is looking for your faithfulness.
Some seasons we can rise early before the kids, other seasons we have sweet time with Jesus in the evening. The key is really making sure we have SOME time.
I want to encourage you that YOU CAN find some time in EVERY day to read God’s Word. When you do, the value will be evident.
You will have just a little more peace, calm, patience, and love for the people in your day.
Reading a Proverb or a Psalm, a portion of one of Paul’s letters will provide wisdom and grace for the day. Plus, I really believe God honors the sacrifice of us giving Him our time.
Memorize It
One great way to commit God’s word to your heart is to focus on and meditate on specific verses.
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To help you get a regular dose of God’s Word, I have created some FREE printable Scripture cards for you. These are my favorites to just soak in during dinner time, driving, or anytime I need. Sometimes I put one in the window right at the kitchen sink (like I mentioned above).
I printed mine on rustic brown card stock and cut them. They fit in a little holder sitting in the window over the kitchen sink; my FAVORITE place to read a timely verse.
Reading God’s Word is vital for you, Momma. I Pray that you feel a greater sense of why you need God’s word, what is in God’s word for you, and how to get into God’s word daily.
Enjoy the Scripture Cards and that they make you hungry for more of reading God’s Word.

To access all the FREE Printables, sign up below.
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