Do you take a daily break? Like afternoon tea or a coffee break? I used to tell my kids “mommy’s on a break” in the afternoons and I would sip some fresh coffee sitting on my bed. One day it dawned on me that if a break is good for momma then a little quiet time for kids is probably equally as good – or even more so!!

Each day I think we all need to take a mini break and just be quiet for a few moments of solitude. No matter what’s going on each day, there is no question that our society is on the GO! Just a typical day in the life of a mom can be completely draining by about 2pm….on a good day!
It’s refreshing to take a little time in the afternoons after an often busy morning/lunchtime and just before the “witching hour” ensues – that crazy time before dinner.
Training Little Ones to sit Quietly
Quiet time for kids is especially beneficial after all the running, racing, learning, and playing that they do. It recharges them for evening activities and helps them keep a good attitude. If there is homework to finish or sports to attend, this little reset can make it easier for all of us to finish the day strong.
In our family we are big readers, so we all are pretty happy to pick up a book and sit to soak in a chapter or two. It wasn’t always that way, however. I had to teach them. When our kids are young, this takes training by us mommas to help our children to actually sit still and be quiet. Not super easy for all kids, but the benefits are life lasting.
I was much better when my first two children were little in training them to self play and sit quiet. I would put their favorite blanket down, lay out a few toys, picture books, and puzzles then teach them to sit on the blanket quietly and play. I started with about 5 minutes at a time and they gradually were able to sit and play for almost 30 minutes remaining content the whole time.
Quiet Time Activity Sheet
These days I can ask my big kids to read for quiet time and they know what to do. However, my two littles still require some direction. When I call quiet time in the afternoon, usually around 3:00 pm, I use this Quiet Time Activity page to give my littles some choices of how to spend quiet time. Click the graphic and you can see there are options like books, puzzles, lacing cards, coloring, and other quiet activities.
Even if my kids resist “QT” at first, once they are settled in, they really do get engrossed in a good read or activity. The timer is set for about 20 minutes and we all (yes, even momma) sit on our beds for quiet time. Most days the timer goes off and I don’t even interrupt them since it is so peaceful. I just wait for someone to ask if quiet time is over.
It’s not easy to do a quiet time every day with schedules, but I fully see the benefits of this mini afternoon refresher when we do. I am planning to be more diligent as the longer days are drawing near. Playing hard requires that quiet time reboot. Take one for yourself too, Momma!! No dishes, or laundry, or social media. Take that break and read or close your eyes just for a short time. Breathe in and out deep….being renewed to face that dinner rush!! Quiet Time Activity Sheet – printable