Are you longing for some quality time with your kids? Do you have such a busy daily schedule that it’s hard to be intentional about how you connect with your kids?
Here are some practical ideas for quality time with your Kids.

As moms, it is super important to talk to and listen to our little humans.
If you have a larger family, then that has some challenges for sure.
We value spending much of our time together in our family and you should too. But there are times and seasons where our parent-child relationships are strengthened with extra quality time.
This can be a real challenge! As adults we have date nights with our spouses, so why not have a periodic “date” with your children to enjoy quality time with your kids?
Our Kids have Different Interests
As my kids have grown, I naturally see that they each truly have their own little personalities and they like to do different things. I would often see activities where I’d think “Oh, my sweetie would love to do that!” or “that’s perfect for my little man!”
Sometimes, because not all my kids would enjoy some activities, I rule them out.
They have different interests!
Those activities can turn into opportunities for you to get some quality time with your kids.
Or I see that it would be an epic task to take all of them without major effort – and possible tears.
Check out this post: Floor Time with your BIG Kids
However, I could see how each of my kids wanted mine, and Daddy’s, attention. I started to see that they really needed more quality time!
How to Fit in Quality Time
After prayer and some research on many of my favorite blogs plus Pinterest searches, my husband and I decided it would be a huge benefit to start a monthly “date” with each of our children.
Each of our children was born on a different day of the month. We use those dates to set aside time to get quality time with that child. The dates work great for the kids too since they know when it’s coming and look forward to it.
My husband and I also alternate monthly to determine which of us will take out which child when. This was pretty simple too with two girls and two boys we just alternate. For instance, in January – Mom is out with the girls and Dad out with the boys, then for February – Mom out with the boys and Dad out with the girls, and so on.
Got Preteens? Check this related post: 10 Tremendous Tips to Connect

There are lots of ways to alternate (oldest/youngest, beginning of the month/end of month dates) and also many ways to select the dates. You could do a weekly day of the week that alternates children – like the first [number of kids] Tuesdays or Saturdays.
Get creative!!
Ideas for Quality Time With Your Kids
Our “dates” are generally pretty simple too and we don’t usually let the child decide on where or what we do but might give them a couple of options. We usually have an activity as well as the opportunity for conversation over a treat.
Some date ideas while going out of the home are:
- Bookstore with hot cocoa and a cupcake
- Ice cream date
- Comic book store
- Mini golf
- Free craft at big-box hardware store
- Museum on $1 night
- Walk or hike
- Activity at arts and crafts store
- Bike ride
If getting out of the home is not an option, here are some additional ideas:
- Read a special story
- Play a board game like “Uno” or “Go Fish”
- Cook a meal together
- Bake a special treat
- Paint each others nails
- Throw the football or baseball
- Shoot basketball
- Knit or do a small sewing project
- Color opposite sides of a fun coloring book
Our primary goal is to get that quality time to talk with, and more importantly, listen to each of our kids without interruption. When we engage in an activity that they fully enjoy, they will feel that love and be able to share their thoughts.
Here are a few FANTASTIC resources to help too!
Related post: Best Mom & Son Date Ideas
They love and need our attention.
Once when I took our 8-year-old son out, he talked the whole car ride to and from without interruption. He got to share and speak his mind while I got to hear a bit of his heart and listen about things he enjoys.

However, as soon as we got home and he tried to tell me something, two siblings started talking at the same time and he didn’t get to finish talking.
I immediately saw the value of one-on-one time.
Start Today
No matter how many children you have or their ages, the investment of quality time spent with them uninterrupted, doing what they enjoy will pay monster dividends.
Find one thing you can implement to start today to get Quality Time With Your Kids!
These moments will open communication without judgment and will produce a relationship with our kids that will last for eternity.
Invest now the time that will pay dividends in the future.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galations 6:9
How do you fit in quality time with your kids? Do you think it is important to spend time one-on-one with your children?
Please leave me your thoughts in the comments!!