Silent Night, Holy Night. All is calm. All is Bright.

As we anticipate the coming birth of Jesus, we created our own version of this sacred event with these Painted Nativity Story Stones.
With Christmas coming, kids get a bit excited and, if it is cold, they often spend more time indoors. It can get tricky trying to find activities for the kids that are not tech related.
Christmas crafts can be a fun activity that will help kids get creative, engage with one another, and have a cool finished product once done.
Painting rocks is a calming activity and pretty easy for you to pull together quickly too.
You can make your own set of Painted Stones by grabbing some flat river rocks, acrylic paint, and colored sharpies (one of my favorite art tools!). See the full supply list below.
Other Fun Crafts are making Family Christmas ornaments.
For these nativity story stones, we chose items and characters that depict the journey of Mary and Joseph as they traveled to Bethlehem.
- Mary & Joseph
- Shepherds
- Wisemen/Magi
- Angel
- Gifts
- Stable
- Sheep
- The STAR
- Baby Jesus
You could also include a donkey, camels, cows, drummer boy, and palm trees.
We LOVE this movie The Star, so be sure to watch this family friendly rendition of the Nativity Story.
We used a standard black Sharpie marker to draw the outlines for the story. Next, we used acrylic paint markers to fill in the sketches bringing bright colors to make them pop.
To finish them off, using the black Sharpie helped to sharpen outlines, the eyes, and all the small details.

Then we just put them on a green or red piece of felt on the table. The kids took it from there using their imaginations and setting up the different stones to display the Christmas story.
- Smooth, Flat River Stones
- Acrylic Paint
- Basic Paint Brushes
- Acrylic Paint Pens (this is a fun, new discovery for us that works amazing!)
- Sharpie Markers
- Felt Fabric
Pair these Painted Nativity Story Stones with some simple and fun books!! Kids can reenact the story as you read to them.
More books, ideas, and activities for Christmas Advent are in my Special Christmas Advent Ideas post.
Feeling inspired to make your own Painted Nativity Story Stones? Show me how yours came out and share a photo in the comments!
Stay warm,

Check out our adorable Snowman Stones too!