Looking for some simple fall paint crafts for your kids? Check out these super cute Painted Fall Trees that kids can make!

I love to do quick and simple (plus easy to clean up) crafts with my kiddos.
This one is so very easy and they just loved making fall leaves on the painted trees they made.
Check this post for some fall yummyness – Simple Homemade Applesauce
To make these painted fall trees, first, use some nice craft paper to hold the paint well. I like the craft pads at Target or Amazon. Also, get your paints and brushes ready. I like tempera paints but you can use what you have.
The only other item needed is – BROCOLLI 🙂 This is what they will use to add the falling leaves.
Start by letting the kids draw or paint a brown tree trunk with lots of branches.

Then pick the colors for your leaves.
Since this is a fall craft, choose reds, yellow, green, and orange. These will all work perfectly!

Grab a piece of brocolli and begin dipping it in the different paint colors. Dab it onto the branches of the trees. Change colors as desired and let them just have fun.

Fall is a great time to grab apples, pumpkins, and leaves to get creative.
More fall craft fun here – Pumpkin Crafts for Kids
What kinds of crafts do you and your family like to do in the fall season? Give us more ideas in the comments below!
You can grab this fun Fall Bucket List here too!

Fall Blessings,