9th Grade ~ 8th Grade ~ 6th Grade ~ 4th Grade
Another year and a full set of fresh plans, field trips, friends…and curriculum!! If you need some inspiration, check out our 2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum picks.

This will be a year with some changes for us. We have been enjoying our time with Classical Conversations, but this coming year we will not be in a CC coop program.
Instead, we are venturing into a different coop with friends and flexibility.
This spring, as I did some reevaluation with regard to how they did with the curriculum choices of last year, I decided that some changes are necessary to meet ALL the family needs.
My oldest will be officially in high school (YIKES!!) and my oldest son is approaching HS, and my “littles” had friends moving on from it so it seemed like the best year to get a fresh homeschool coop start.
Related post: The key to Your School Year – Anchor Your Heart in Truth
Academics are valued in our home, but not quite as much as character and a solid focus on critical thinking skills plus apologetics to really ground my children in God’s Truth.
In the changing times, arming our kids with a more solid foundation of how to think and learn and communicate will prepare them for their future.
Annually, also I do a quick heart check and remember WHY we choose to homeschool. To read more about our why, head to this post.
My oldest daughter, who is 15 and has Down syndrome, is entering 9th grade this year and ready for High School. In our state, children with special needs have until the age of 22 to graduate high school. I am putting her on a 6-year plan for her to get all the credits that she needs. This will accommodate for modifications so that she can learn and grow at her own pace.
These are the independent subjects and curriculum that she will be using:
- Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Purple Book We will be using this curriculum for the first time this year. Since there have been changes to the Good and the Beautiful language arts programs, I find it a little too cumbersome. The LLATL curriculum is one I have looked at for a while, but using our CC program resources previously did not make this a good fit or supplement.
Now I am ready to give it a full go with my older kids to dive into some great literature with the review of grammar, Latin, and spelling that are contained here. My girl will start with the Purple Book, which is level 5, but I am holding level 6 in the wings for her since I will see how quickly how she much she already knows.
I’m also excited about the books for her to read and some of the writing components. - Writing – Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), Medieval History – This curriculum does a great job cultivating good writing skills. She used this curriculum last year and actually very much enjoyed it. Since we are doing Medieval history as a family, I will use this as a guide to help her do several short papers to complement what she is learning.
- Handwriting – The Good & The Beautiful Handwriting, Level 5 – Since she needs the regular practice of her handwriting skills, she will continue this program and do consistent cursive writing this year. This program is simple and low-pressure with beautiful poetry and some drawing. Plus it is a perfect independent assignment. She will do this only 2x times a week.
- Math – Teaching Textbooks, Level 4 – This curriculum was perfect for this girl last year and she will continue it and move to the next level. Math is the subject she must work hardest at. So, Teaching Textbooks will help by reinforcing math facts as she moves up the levels. She is also learning to use her calculator this year for solving formulas that will support her independence.
- Typing – The Good & The Beautiful Typing – We continue to use this program for regular practice and skill-building. She will be able to type her writing assignments more this year as well. She will do this 2 times a week.
- Character Training & Life Skills – She will do regular reading of her devotionals and her bible as well as participate in a small Girl’s Bible Journaling group with friends. This year she will read through Beautiful Girlhood with me. This is a beautiful book with short chapters about classic “lady-like” behaviors. I find there is still so much to be gained by keeping these in focus, when raising daughters.
She will also have assigned chores and responsibilities around the house.
This young man continues growing and achieving academically. He had a “half-year” last year that allowed him to breathe. Some subjects were just review and others he advanced in. He is ready this year to get back to a slightly more challenging load with subjects we selected together.
These are his independent subjects and curriculum for this year:
- Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Gray Book My son will also be using this curriculum for the first time this year. Since the LLATL curriculum is one I have looked at for a while, and with his growth and some transition, this will be a great independent curriculum. He will dive into some great literature with the review of grammar, Latin, and spelling that are contained here. It also has logic and reasoning review as a component with great book selections.
- Math – Saxon Algebra 1 – This has been a fantastic fit for him. It challenges him to keep growing and learning. He started using an online tutor – My Math Assistant – that goes along with the Saxon Programs. We found it to be a better fit for new concepts than me teaching him. Though I love math, me and my son process it differently. That makes it hard for me to communicate new or difficult concepts to him. Know when to outsource, momma!!
- Latin: Visual Latin – Henle Latin has been a good baseline of learning for him. We will begin using Visual Latin through Compass Classroom this coming year to continue building on that foundation. These are video lessons with written lessons and quizzes that can be done independently. All of my kids will watch this, but only this guy will do the additional written lessons.
- Civics – Land of Hope – An Invitation to the Great American Story. He began this Civics curriculum last year and will continue working through it this year. This curriculum gives an incredible account of our country’s beginnings. It includes a reading textbook and student workbook that he will work on 2x per week.
- Science: Creation Science through Compass Classroom. This guy will be doing his own science this year and he really wanted to dig into Creation Science. This curriculum through Compass Classroom is an online program with videos, articles, and research projects.
- Logic – Intermediate Logic – Mastering Propositional Thinking – After completing the Intro to this glass he will move to the next level this year. This is a great curriculum to build critical thinking skills. He will work on this just 2x per week.
- Character Training & Life Skills He will continue to work on life skills by cooking and doing his required chores. He will also be working through Manual to Manhood to teach some additional everyday skills.
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This guy continues to be all about the motion. My 10-year-old is an auditory learner who learns best from hearing and moving around. His biggest challenge is not being completely disruptive to those who need to focus – momma included!
I will often do parts of his work orally – multiplication tables & spelling for instance, rather than making him sit and write the answers down. This helps him both learn and retain the information.
His subjects and curriculum for the coming year are:
- Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Purple Book. We will be using this curriculum for the first time this year. Since there have been changes to the Good and the Beautiful language arts programs, I find it a little too cumbersome and more work than my little guy can sit through. The LLATL curriculum is one I have looked at for a while, but using our CC program resources previously did not make this a good fit or supplement. I am ready to give it a full go and to dive into some great literature with the review of grammar, Latin, and spelling that are contained here. This guy will start the Purple Book with his sister, which is level 5, but I will have level 6 ready once I see what he already knows. I’m also excited about the books that he will read.
This kid is by FAR my most avid reader and finishes more than anyone. I will likely choose a few additional books discussed in this curriculum for him to enjoy.
- Writing – Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), Medieval History – This curriculum does a great job cultivating good writing skills. My little guy used this curriculum last year, though he doesn’t love to write, it did help him learn some new skills. Since we are doing Medieval history as a family, I will use this as a guide to help him do a few outlines and short papers to complement what he is learning.
- Handwriting – The Good & The Beautiful Handwriting, Level 5. Consistent handwriting through this program will help with both manuscript and cursive this year. He will practice and complete 2 times a week.
- Math – The Good & The Beautiful, Math 4-5 – We made a change mid-year in January for this little guy’s math program. He was doing well with Abeka Math but needed a little more support. The Good & The Beautiful math comes with lesson videos that are both fun and show life applications. As an auditory learner, the added audio/video to his math really enabled him to grasp the concepts faster.
BONUS: This year when I asked him how he liked it, his comment was: “I have never learned so much”. That is what we want to hear, so he will finish this level and move on to level 5. - Typing – The Good & The Beautiful Typing – We continue to use this program for regular practice and skill-building. He will do this 2 times a week.
- Critical Thinking: Building Thinking Skills is a great series that is full of games to grow critical thinking. Kids think they are doing puzzles and solving codes, but they are learning at the same time. This guy will work through this book by only doing it 1x per week.
- Character Training & Life Skills – As he begins approaching these pre-teen years, my little guys will work through Boyhood and Beyond . He will work through his assigned chores and learn to cook additional meals.
- Language Arts – The Good and the Beautiful, Levels 2 & 3 – This curriculum recently received a complete update. The early levels have a new flow that involves a brief lesson that I can do with my girl. Then she can do the Independent Work section on her own. She loves the colorful pages. I like how it continues to group all of the pieces into one program – spelling, grammar, poetry, writing, art, and even some geography!!!
- Handwriting The Good and the Beautiful, Level 5. My artsy and creative baby girl wanted to learn cursive with her older siblings this year. Although she was set to have done a lower level I decided to allow her to complete the cursive. She enjoys the art and drawing in this program so much that I’m sure she will do great. She will do this 2-3 times a week.
- Math – ABeka, Level 3 – She will continue to learn the fundamentals of math with this bright and self-paced curriculum.
- Spanish – Brighter Child, Grade 2. She continues to love learning Spanish so will work on the next book in this series 2x per week.
- Typing – The Good & The Beautiful Typing – We continue to use this program for regular practice and skill building. She will do this 1x per week.
- Critical Thinking: Building Thinking Skills is a great series that is full of games to grow critical thinking. Kids think they are doing puzzles and solving codes, but they are learning at the same time. She will work through this book by only doing it 1x per week.
- Character Training & Life Skills – Baby girl will continue her life skills by doing chores and helping me cook and bake. She will read 8 Great Dates for Moms and Daughters with me throughout the year also. This has fun ideas for simple ways to connect with your daughter to teach things like modesty, manners, and maturity.
So those are our Homeschool Curriculum Picks for this year! It seems like a lot of content. However, I always remember that when we go at a steady pace, we get through it. The goal is to set the table for their minds.
Offering lots of “good stuff” will help feed them even if a curriculum is not “finished”.
The subjects that I choose to do as family-style are Bible, history, geography, and science. These I like to keep fun and on their levels. You can see what we are digging into at this post here.
To see HOW we learn together, head on over to this post – Circle Time – How We Start our Day.
What are your choices for the coming year? Are you trying anything new?
Let me know your favorite curriculums in the comments!!

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Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Check out some of our favorite resources to learn in these posts.
8th Grade ~ 7th Grade ~ 5th Grade ~ 3rd Grade
7th Grade ~ 7th Grade ~ 4th Grade ~ 2nd Grade
6th Grade – 6th Grade – 3rd Grade – 1st Grade
5th Grade – 5th Grade – 2nd Grade – Kindergarten