“Mom, I threw up!”
UGH! I don’t know about you but when I hear these words – I cringe. My first thought should be “Oh no, my poor baby.” However, I usually go right to recon mode – what do I need to clean? How can I keep the other kids away? Where do I set up the quarantine area?
Do you know that feeling, momma? When your realize all the plans for the day just changed and you need to shift gears?

Those days when you are home with sick kids — everything changes!! You know you need to step it up!
It could be sore throats, fevers, runny noses with coughs and sneezes, or that dreaded stomach flu.
As momma’s, we begin to get the house ready for the sick season with all the preparations for our kid’s needs.
Queue the tissues, cold meds, movies, blankets, bland crackers & apple sauce, and whatever other home cares and comforts you like.
Operation Home Wellness is underway.
As the day progresses, you might get a good session of snuggle time in with your sick little kiddos, but eventually your strength fades. Every mom with sick kids knows this feeling of trying to maintain the home.
Even if just for a few days, us momma’s need to be super mom to keep it all going!
FREEBIE : A Simple Prayer for Moms to Start the Day
I am just coming out of one of these catastrophic events myself! I kept thinking of ways that would help me maintain “super mom” strength with sick kids at home.
Aside from some serious prayer that Jesus would get me through, I came up with a few quick keys that will make you feel empowered and inspired.
You will be prepared to be a Super Mom and rock sick days with kids!!
Drink Your Fluids
It is easy to forget to take a drink ourselves and stay hydrated. I try to have some sort of drink at the top of each hour. Ice Water with lemon or hot water with lemon and apple cider vinegar are my favorites.

If the stomach bug is in the house then get some grape juice. A friend reminded me of this recently [Sarah at Must Have Mom has an article to check out] and as soon you have been exposed to the stomach bug, drinking grape juice can prevent you from getting it.
Grab your fluids and they will keep you going and healthy while caring for your little humans.
Eat Balanced Meals
Just like drinking your fluids is key, you must eat meals too. Having at least a couple of decent balanced meals will keep your strength up to continue fighting the good fight of germs in your home.
Be sure to have a decent breakfast meal – avocado, feta, and tomato on 12 grain bread is my favorite to start the day. Plan dinner and eat it too! Simple soups are best on these sick days with some bread or rolls on the side.
Try this Super Simple Pantry Mexican Soup. It is a fav in our home!
Related: 6 Quick & Easy Dinners for Crazy Nights
Hot Shower and Pampering
Am I the only one who completely fills her day with all the other tasks before getting myself in for a nice, hot shower?
It is easy to do!

You must get in there though, and take the time to refresh your senses and your physical body. These are the days I will go the extra mile too – shave my legs (haha), face masks, and amazingly scented lotions when I get out. Hey, I even painted my toenails recently!
The little extras on hard days uplift your spirit, so show yourself some love.
Diffuse Essential Oils
If you have a diffuser and already use EO’s then you know how this can impact your home. Depending on the type of illness in your home, pick the right blends for those ailments. For head colds & sinus issues, I like eucalyptus & peppermint with lavender.
For tummy issues, I mix lemon & rosemary with lavender so it brings soothing scents.
This totally helps me feel a bit more balanced and relaxed in the throws of running up and down with laundry too.
Get outside for 30 minutes
Getting some fresh air is a great way to reset yourself. Even standing at a quiet window with your hot tea or cold refreshing lemon water can be the moment you need. A chance to catch your breath.
If you can have your husband or a friend stay in with the kids, head out for a quick walk. Try taking the kids out too for some deep breaths of fresh air if no one is around to help.
Related: Reset Your Day with a Family Walk
This will rejuvenate you all!
Have Your favorite treat
One of my weaknesses is a soft cookie! When I feel overwhelmed and need a pick me up, having a treat does the trick.
Be sure to keep your favorite treats on hand for these sick days. Better yet, when that friend asks what you need – tell them to drop off a treat for momma!!

Chocolate, cake, protein bar, smoothie, salad whatever it is…get that!
Sit, Sleep, Nap, and Rest
When you are woken up at 1:30 in the morning with a sick kiddo, you know exhaustion is on the horizon.
I can rarely fall back to sleep once I have been up with a sick child. Us momma’s like to check in on them, bring them into our own beds, or sit with them in the bathroom over the toilet if necessary.
After a couple days of this routine, you will be tired.
Don’t let guilt prevent you from taking the MUCH needed time to rest whenever you can. Sit on the sofa and watch movies with the kids while snuggling, sleep or nap if you can.
Just REST — no guilt about what isn’t getting done because what you ARE doing is continuing to care for yourself to maintain Super Mom status with sick kids. I give you permission!!!
Grab this FREEBIE Sanity Check List to help you stay on track too.

Take Time to Give Thanks
It is easy to feel stressed and collapse at the end of these sick days. When you take the time to give thanks to God for these little humans He has entrusted you with, you recall your purpose.
Thank Him for giving you sustaining strength. Thank Him for giving you His promise to meet you right where you are. Thank Him for faithfully watching over your family on the sick days.
I always go back to God’s Word on these days since His promises totally carry me.
Related: Best Journaling Tips for Women
Having sick kids is part of being a mom. Being a super mom with sick kids is absolutely possible too!
Take care of yourself and remember that you can rock this. You are doing better than you think, momma.

Check out some of the other recent posts…
Oh wow! I usually completely neglect myself when my kids are sick… then I feel drained and overwhelmed. This is a great reminder to practice good self care, even when I’m caring for sick kiddos. Thanks for the practical tips and reminders ☺️
Vital tips that are so easy to forget when we are in the thick of illness. Thanks for the reminders!