Are you longing for your kids to be equipped with God’s word? Are you overwhelmed with where to begin? Then you NEED these MEGA simple Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips!

I have come home from Chrurch on a Sunday with all the Sunday School pages and great intentions to review them through the week with my kids. Then Friday comes and I realize that the pages never even made it out of my bag. UGH!
Making scripture memorization a priority sometimes feels like a bigger mountain than I know how to tackle. Thankfully, I have come up with some ways to incorporate scripture into our day-to-day activities. I have found some simple tips that work for our family!
Why Scripture Memorization?
As believers, most of us understand the value of memorizing scripture for ourselves.
We want to be able to remind ourselves of God’s powerful promises to combat lies of anxiety, frustration, discouragement.
Related post: You were created for God’s Enjoyment
When trouble hits, we receive that sense of peace when we can put our trust in promises we have committed to memory. We must know who we are and Who’s we are.
Our identity is fueled by the truth of who we are in Christ.
- That we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
- We are a chosen people and royal priests (1 Peter 2:9).
- You are a child of God (John 1:12).
- Created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
- You are loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3)
We all need to be reminded of God’s amazing love for us daily, and being able to recall what His word tells us by memory is key.
Related Post: 9 Powerful Verses on God’s Love for You
As Mommas, we need to certify to our children that they also know WHO they are and the promises of God’s Word for them.
This is why I put together these MEGA simple kid’s scripture memorization tips for you!
MEGA Simple Tips
Sometimes I like pretty and elaborate with a BIG execution plan. I love printables with bright colors, fancy notebooks, and fun colored pens – these Mr. Pen ones are amazing!. All of these are great tools.
But, I often drill it all down to what is simple, practical, and effective.
For kid’s scripture memorization, I definitely find the latter to fit the bill and fully equip’s my kiddos! The goal is to get them to retain God’s word and this is done by the simplest means of repetition.
To get started you need to pick a verse or portion of scripture that you want your kids to memorize.
A few great starters are:
John 3:16
The Lord’s Prayer
Psalm 23
You can also choose a chapter or even a whole book of the bible to begin the memorization process.
Related Post: Kid’s Verses on Love

How to Implement
Find a good time of day to walk through the following steps together with your kids. You will be in awe of how much they retain and YOU will also gain a better understanding too.
To get started all that is needed is to Read it, Write it, Talk about it!
Read it Daily
Once you have your Bible Scripture selected, commit to reading it daily. You can play the audio version on your phone, you can read it to your kids and have them repeat with you, or have them take turns reading it.
You can also do a combination of all three.
Write it Down
If you have a printable to follow along with, then you can simply have them write the verses on the provided spaces.
I personally LOVE the classic 1 Subject spiral notebook or a composition notebook. The kids can decorate the front covers with markers and stickers. Then they get to fill it with the scriptures they are learning.
Last year we did a study on Wisdom. The kids started a simple spiral notebook with lots of verses from Proverbs and some keys on how to “Gain Wisdom.” When we began our plan to read and memorize the book of Philippians this year, they are just continuing on in the same notebook.
Talk About It
To firmly understand what you are reading you have to talk about it. Discuss with your kids the words in the passage. Have them answer simple questions like “How can you show kindness?” if that is in the verse.
You can use the SOAP method – Say it, put it in Own words, Apply it to your life, and Pray about it. This can be done out-loud or written down. It helps our kids to learn when and how to apply God’s word to their everyday life.
Need more tips to Raise Spiritually Strong Kids? Check these posts out:
Why Kids Need Devotionals
Kid’s Hymn Study
Help Your Kids Develop Intimacy with God
Teach Kids to Pray with Faith
MEGA Simple Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips
Other Tools
There are some AMAZING tools that you can order also that will help aid in your kid’s bible verse memorization.
Here are a few resources! is a fantastic site that you can subscribe to. There are plans to subscribe to that will help you when you’re not sure what to focus on.
All of these additional kid’s scripture memorization tips will help you SUCCEED in your goals to teach your kids God’s Word!
It is never to early to begin teaching your child the truth of God’s word. Start today!

I pray that these Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips help relieve you of any anxieties and feeling of overwhelm. You are your child’s best teacher and role model, Momma. You got this!

Yes, so needed! One year we picked and choosed different 2:10 names in the Bible because our last name is Tuten. I need it as well but my aging brain struggles. Thanks for sharing!