Summer is coming and if your kids are anything like mine they will be looking to lounge, use screens, and eat all day. I’m all for breaks and even full days of rest, but the summer is long. I need to have a plan so here are the best SIMPLE SUMMER ROUTINES FOR KIDS!

Establishing a simple kid’s summer routine will provide just enough structure that kids get to rest, play, grow, and continue to learn.
I love flexibility, so simple and effective options for communicating the routine is key.
My go-to is usually one of our small personal whiteboards. I can just list out a few bullets of my expectations for the day and put it in a central space, usually the dining room table.
You can print and post it on the refrigerator. Use a chalkboard to list the TODAY’S ROUTINE. Even sticky notes work on those mornings when you just want to get a list down.
There are some pretty and practical tear-off pages you could also check out.
Giving kids a clear idea of what the expectations are will help them to grow in their own time management skills. For instance, if the kids want to use screens, in our home they must have completed what I have listed out.
Really the sky is the limit for what you can include to provide some light structure to your kid’s days. What are your priorities? What things do your kids like to do? What do they need reminders to do? These questions will help you determine a good start.
Things to include in your kid’s light summer routines should include some of the following ideas almost daily:
- Read Bible
- Make beds
- Do chores (Grab my simple Chore Cards)
- Family Devotions
- Reading for fun
- Play outside

Then you can add the occasional sneaky learning and fun activities.
You may need to prep a little for some of these or plan. Oftentimes kids just like to see something new on the days schedule.
- Writing prompts for paragraphs – I just write one on an index card and leave it out. Ideas like: “Write a story about two bugs meeting in the yard” or “Where is your ideal vacation?” or even “share your favorite memory from last summer“
- Be creative with clay, LEGO, chalk outside, watercolor paints
- Board games (Chess, Uno, Racko, etc.)
- Nature Hikes and observation
- Explore a unit topic (the beach, worms, clouds, space) with hands-on items and books
- Scavenger hunt (my teens still love these!)
These are great for those slower down days at home. If it’s raining or too hot outdoors then I always like to have something to give idle hands direction.
Related Post: The Best Sneaky Summer Learning Ideas
Leaving out a stack of books on the kitchen table about the ocean and also having shells, sand dollars, and starfish with a magnifying glass will cultivate observation.
Add a notebook and a trip to the shore and you can discover tide pools, crabs, barnacles, and other fun stuff that they read about.
Remember, this is a “simple” summer routine that we are creating so don’t try to pack in too much. I am surely guilty of this with all my uber-planning tendencies. This just gets me frustrated (and my kids) and then the plan goes out the window.
So keep it LIGHT!
We want our kids to learn to be bored, which I am convinced is a skill, but we still must guide them. Providing them with a lighter routine than the rest of the year helps them to explore, create, and play in ways they might not have time for the rest of the year.
I hope that you create a fresh routine for yourself too! We must be gentle with our own rest, momma, and shift our priorities to focus on what really matters…enjoying our kids. Implementing some of these SIMPLE SUMMER ROUTINES FOR KIDS will help you do just that!
Head here to reboot your routines too: How to Refresh Your Life
Praying you enjoy the pause of summer and the slow season with your kids.

Head over and grab this Summer Bucket List today too!!!