Valentine’s Day is a great time to do a Kid’s Countdown of God’s Love.
Love makes us feel good. We have a sense of security, safety, and warmth. And even if you might not celebrate Valentine’s Day you can still celebrate LOVE!
Why not do a fun countdown?
Countdown Focus
So, what do you focus on in a kid’s countdown of God’s love? Use scripture to remind your children of:
- Christ’s love for us.
- Our love for those special to us.
- How to better love others.
All of these are great ways to think about the impact of love in our lives.
There are lots of fun Valentine’s Day crafts that you can do with kids.
Related: Yarn Heart Kid’s Craft
These are opportunities to talk about what love is and tell others how much we love them. If you are looking for something to do with those crafts once completed – Grandparents love to get Valentine’s too!
Check out our favorite Books on Love and Valentine’s Day
How to Countdown
You can truly do this activity ANY TIME of the year. February is great due to Valentine’s Day. Plus, it just gets a little cold in many areas and we Mommas are looking for ways to keep kids’ hands busy.
To do this Countdown of Love, you can follow this simple plan:
- Start date – February 1st
- Download this FREE Countdown to use – 14 scriptures on love
- Set up your plan to communicate – cardstock hearts, valentines, or just simple index cards with heart stickers.
Then, each morning as the kids wake up, you will have the scripture on the breakfast table for the kids to read. They can read it together or individually, depending on your family’s mornings.

This is also a great opportunity to connect with your child with laughter and smiles.
Make Love Come Alive
Make sure to ask some questions and get them to think of the verse in a life application way to bring it ALIVE.
I use the SOAP method – Say it, put it in Own words, Apply it to your life, and Pray about it. This can be done out-loud or written down.
Related Post: Help You Kids Develop Intimacy with God
The key is to really meditate on the meaning and intention of the verse so you can apply it throughout the day.

As you choose one verse each day you are helping your child learn God’s word and grow in their relationship with Him. They grow in grace toward others and are better able to allow Christ’s love to flow through them with patience, kindness, and delight.
Creating this discipline for them will have a life long impact on their hearts.
Don’t Forget Your Download!

I would love to hear how you are implementing your Kid’s Countdown to Love! Leave me a comment and a photo!

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