Are you ready to say goodbye to 2023? Grab this FREE 2023 NEW YEARS EVE INTERVIEW for kids to recall all the favorites and fun that they enjoyed in the past year.

This is a good time to reflect back and “find the good!” You can record all your child’s favorite foods, books, and music as well as see how much they have grown.
Ready to plan a NEW YEARS EVE of fun. Top Activities for New Years Eve with Kids
To help do this, I have a simple interview for the kids to complete on New Years Eve. This 2023 Kid’s New Years Interview will help them write about themselves, the year behind, and the year ahead.
Want to set some Goals with your Kids? Check out Setting Simple Goals with Kids.
Each year my children have completed a Kid’s New Year’s Interview.

I have kept them in a capsule with all of our New Year’s Eve decor and celebration items.
One of their ABSOLUTE favorite activities on New Year’s Eve is to read all of the prior year’s information. They laugh and recall their favorite activities, silly events and sayings, and things they loved to do.
This is a tradition that you can begin this year!

If you are looking for more creative ways to spend New Year’s Eve with kids then head over to THIS NEW YEAR’S EVE POST.
I outline the TOP activities for you to create the perfect send-off to 2024!!
Another great tradition: Winter Scavenger Hunt
I hope you enjoy this FREE 2023 Kid’s New Year’s Interview!
Wishes for a blessed and prosperous New Year!!

Here is another fabulous FREE printable for New Year’s Eve!! Help your children learn the value of goal setting for the coming year with this sheet below.

Get ALL ACCESS to FREE Printable fun by joining our Bloggy Momma Community today!!
Check out my New Year’s board in Pinterest too for more great fun!