Our kids are unique and precious creations. As parents, it is a gift to help our kids find their GIFTS and TALENTS that God has purposely placed in them. The key is finding what makes them “TICK”. So let’s find the treasure in our children and discover how to identify your kid’s gifts and talents!
“God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.” – Romans 12:6

Mom’s have the amazing task of seeking out the treasure in our kids, encouraging our kids in those gifts and talents, and then watching them grow and blossom in amazing ways for Jesus!
Let’s dig in and find that gold in our children!
What are Gifts and Talents?
Before we can learn how to identify your kid’s gifts and talents, we must have an idea of what exactly ARE gifts and talents.
Both gifts and talents are given to all of us by God and they are specifically to be used to bring Him glory with our lives.
Gifts are all the many special and unique ways that God created your child. Empathy, compassion, leadership, these types of character qualities are often considered “gifts”. They might love praying or helping and serving.
Their talents can be the same or similar but more often refers to things that your child does well. Some talents are being artistic, athletic and good at sports, especially good at math or writing. Musicians, entrepreneurs, engineers are each specially talented in their field.

Gifts and talents can certainly come together in the many forms. A heart of worship combined with a talent in music would enable one to glorify God by leading others in music. Leadership & compassion skills can enable another to begin a new ministry to orphans.
The point of gifts and talents is to glorify God!
Here are the perfect ways how to identify your kid’s gifts and talents.
Tools for the Treasure Hunt
So we have to get some tools that will help us discover how to identify kids gifts and talents.
Your child is a little treasure that is just waiting to be discovered. What a gift we have getting to open up and see all the gems and beauty that is stored inside our little humans? Sometimes we see that they are just like us (the good and the bad…ha ha). We will also see some of the gifts and talents that they got from their dad, or even grandparents.

As moms, you know your kids best and this list is likely comprised of things you are already doing with your kids.
Let’s get intentional in these key areas:
- Seek Gods Help
Pray for them. Ask God to show you their gifts so that you can discover that treasure and begin to encourage them.
“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” – Romans 11:29 - Spend TIME together
One on one time and communication. Listen – When we hear what they tell us it will reveal the heartbeat and passions for what motivates them! Bedtime is a good opportunity to ask them to share one good thing and one bad thing about their day, this will open them up.
Check out these posts for more ideas: The Best Mom & Son Dates and Quality Time with your Kids - Seize Opportunities
Give them plenty of Free Time to be creative. Pay attention to what they gravitate toward, what they talk about, what they like. Expose them to different things to help them pursue their interests.
It is OK for each child to be different, be an individual. They don’t all need to do ballet or soccer, play piano or join Jr. Bible Quiz. Try to avoid comparing – the enemy loves to get in here. Remember it is about Gods plan for them and not ours. “For I know the plans I have for you…” – Jeremiah 29:11
Creative Ways to Encourage Them
Once we have identified some of the gifts and talents God has put in our kids, we need to get a little creative in the ways we encourage them. We want THEM to see the amazing plans that God has for their future.
You need to remind your kids that they are unique and different from everyone else. Again, comparison is a killer for us all (mom comparison is a doozy, am.i.right?).
But as we encourage our kids to be the best version of themselves, they will naturally walk in their gifts. Being intentional about encouragement is the key to how to identify your kid’s gifts and talents!

Everyday look for these opportunities.
- Encourage their relationship with the Lord
When they know Who He is, they can learn who they are. Encourage your kids to have daily time reading God’s word, praying, and having devotions. In this, they will have confidence that “I am the Lord’s”. They will have a purpose and direction as His hand guides them.
“Some will say, ‘I belong to the Lord’…still others will write on their hand, ‘The Lord’s’.” – Isaiah 44:5 - Accentuate the Positive; Eliminate the Negative
It is our job to “see the good” in our little ones. It is so easy to have their mistakes in the front of your mind, but you must be intentional about finding the positive and focusing on that. Your kids negative will reduce as you applaud the positive!!
“Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.” Johann von Goethe - Use kind & encouraging words
Be on the lookout and praise them when they simply do the right thing. “Great job asking for that snack with good manners” or “Thanks for helping your sister ties her shoes.”
– school work – obedience
– sharing – sports/activities
– helping – saying grace/praying for others - Communicate with them
Be sincere, direct, and use creative ways to communicate with your kids about the value you see in them. Find ways to inspire them using modern means too! Use notes in their school books, send them uplifting texts, write a brief email with a link to something fun they will enjoy. The options are limitless. - Encourage the dream; even if it seems unrealistic.
So many kids want to be famous. Realistically this happens to only a small group of people though. However, you can still encourage the dream to be the best at EVERYTHING they do! My son wants to be a professional baseball player and he is pretty talented in this area. Maybe he will maybe he won’t, but today I give him all of the opportunity and encouragement I can for him to the BEST ballplayer he can be. You can do this while still encouraging other gifts too and recognize they are growing as they learn who they are. - Don’t let them quit mid-way
Encouraging the dream and having that dream change is totally fine. But kids should learn that once they make a commitment they need to complete the session/class/etc. Explain to your kids the importance of completing what you start. This is another life skill of growth for them! - Speak into their Life
Mom, never underestimate the power of your WORDS. What you say will be what your child hears as they face life situations. When you encourage your child to go after their dream and be the best version of themselves, she will achieve more running on your inspirational words than anything else.
“You never know when a moment or a few sincere words
can have an impact on a life.”
Zig Ziglar
This should get your mind flowing and showing you how to identify kids gifts and talents.
I just love the uniqueness that God has put in every single one of us. Discovering it in and with my kids has been a fun and exciting journey that I love watching unfold.

Grab the list, print one for each child and begin highlighting those things that you see God using in them.
Have you seen some of the ways God is revealing treasure in your kids? Are you excited to discover more? Drop me a comment so I can celebrate with you all God has given your kids!