Do you want to help your kids possess a strong work ethic? Check out these tips and be inspired to encourage your kids to work hard today!

We recently did a small study on hard work using some verses from the books of Psalms and Proverbs. We looked at words like “labor” and “lazy.” Learned the difference between how ants work and how sloths – though adorable animals – are pretty slow and lazy.
We also read that looking for the easy way out or making excuses is not a good idea, but rather we should do our best when tackling daily responsibilities and tasks.
We chatted about how it is wise to work hard at all we are doing…..doing it for God’s glory!
Why Have a Strong Work Ethic?
There is so much value to instilling a strong work ethic in your kids!
You want your kids to be contributors, problem solvers, and helpers. You want them to have good friends and be good friends. You want them to learn the importance of values and good morals. You want them to stand firm in what they believe and be able to support their positions with confidence and clarity.
One key way to help them achieve all of this is to teach your kids to possess a strong work ethic.
Hard work isn’t just physical work, but it’s actually spending the time to process and think through what you are working toward. Sometimes it means researching or working with others. It is also a commitment to complete a task, which requires perseverance and patience.
If your kids play an instrument you know that practice is key to developing any new skill. When he starts out the notes are scratchy and not in tune, but with hard work and consistent practice, the music gets smoother.
Possessing a strong work ethic will equip your kids to face challenges of many different kinds.
Finally, God tells us we will receive a blessing for the labor of our hands.
“You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.”
Psalm 128:2
Daily Responsibilities
A strong work ethic can easily begin with daily responsibilities of school work, personal hygiene, and chores. Each of these areas is the perfect opportunity for kids to successfully do a good job.
Your kids learn early that to get good grades they need to study and do the assigned work. They have to work hard doing research for a new topic if they want to hand in an essay to their teacher.
You also need to take the time to teach kids to brush their hair and teeth, get dressed on their own….with matching clothes – ha ha. I am all for going out in princess dresses but my little girls do need to learn that wearing green leggings with pink flouffy tops does not always go.

These little tasks are early opportunities for you to help them learn hard work pays off when you have no cavities at the dentist or no tangles in her hair.
Small Versus Large Jobs
In our house, we do have small chores that the kids do. Things like making beds, picking up toys, sweeping, dishwasher duty, and helping with meals are some of the more regular tasks they do.
You might also like – How to Include Kids in Meal Planning and Prep.
They must do these jobs to earn screen privileges. It is also a great way for them to grow in possessing a strong work ethic.
When kids have a small job you can give simple instructions that they can just follow to complete the task. This trains kids to learn to obedience and why it is important to follow the instructions given. You can reward them with a favorite TV show, extra screen time, ice cream, or any small reward you know they will enjoy.
Larger jobs or tasks can help kids to stretch their own skills to find efficient and better ways to get a job done. It will also contribute to developing those problem solving skills that they need for life.

My boys were recently offered the job to rake and bag a large section of leaves in the backyard. They were given basic instructions: rake and bag all the leaves, work as a team, and there must be no fighting. (brothers!)
If they complete the task they would earn a sum of money that made their eyes light up.
During the job, they kept reminding each other to work quickly. I saw them help each other and encourage each other along the way. They laughed and talked about all they would buy, save, and give with their earnings.
The large reward motivated them to hard work.
This is not unlike adults who work hard at their job to earn a raise or higher position. This is simply an opportunity to set your kids up to learn the value of developing a strong work ethic.
It was hard work and they wanted to quit at the end. I got to show them the light was at the end of the tunnel and they can’t quit now! They persevered, got the job done together, and earned their pay!!
Here is one of the books my boys have read:
More than Talk
Helping our kids to grow a strong work ethic means action! We all talk about dreams and things we would like to achieve, but us grown up have learned that you must get moving to accomplish goals.
I don’t know about your kids but a couple of mine think that they will be pro athletes making millions…..without too much work. I don’t want to crush any dreams of being in lights but I want to reinforce that to get there will definitely mean hard work.
Related post: Helping Kids Identify Gifts & Talents
You want to help your kids get moving to action toward those dreams with hard work. This will help them see what they need to do to begin working toward meeting goals and growing their little empires!
“In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”
Proverbs 14:23
Set Fair Expectations
When we encourage our kids to possess a good work ethic we must be fair in the expectations that we set for them. Giving them tasks that are within their age and level of responsibility is very important.
This also helps kids achieve the best results on a task by doing things the right way without cutting corners. If a job is too difficult then kids might look for ways to do good enough. Instead, we want to instill that to possess a strong work ethic includes doing the job well.
Your kids will be able to do better with reasonable expectations that will enable them to succeed.
Sense of Accomplishment
When we help kids possess a strong work ethic they will regularly feel a sense of accomplishment. Kids are often easy to please and when they feel like they finished a job – big or small.
Earning a reward reinforces that accomplishment and will further help kids possess strong work ethic.
“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”
Psalm 90:17
With their earnings, they also get to learn other character traits like generosity, saving, and self-control. They learn also that being lazy does not pay a reward.
Receiving Praise for Hard Work
Who doesn’t like a little pat on the back and some praise for a job well done? Kids not only like praise but need it! This is the very thing that builds strong character and confidence in their little hearts.
When they are little babies we clap for those first steps or cheer for first words.

Now, as they get older, you get the opportunity to praise them and say how proud you are when you see your child work hard to accomplish a task. You can praise kids for things like schoolwork or chores, things like…
“Great job folding your laundry!”
“You did a terrific job on that English paper, I can see all your hard work!”
It will also inspire your child to look for more ways to receive praise by doing good.
Possessing a strong work ethic will help your child continue to grow and walk with other strong friends. They will be confident and help others to also want that independence. They will become influencers among their peers.
As you pray for your children, ask the Lord to help them grow in wisdom with a strong work ethic. Be the example for them. Encourage them to not give up. Remind them they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them (Philippians 4:13)!
Grab this Simple Prayer for Moms.
How do you help your kids understand the value of hard work? I’d love to hear it in the comments!!