God requires that parents are to be the spiritual teacher to our precious children. We need to nurture in them a love for God, His Word, prayer, and worship. Here are some practical ways to help your kids develop intimacy with God.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.”
Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Encouraging a Love for God’s Word
A major key to help your kids develop an intimacy with God is encouraging a love for God’s Word. God’s word is where they will get to know God and His character. They will find hope in hard times (when getting afraid, feeling sad, disappointments). God’s Word is also where they will find their identity, which is necessary as they learn and grow.
Here are a few ways to incorporate God’s Word into your kid’s day.
- Lead by Example
Show our children how much WE love and respect God’s Word by letting them see us reading and also sharing with them from God’s Word what we are reading. - Read the Bible to your Children
During meals is a great time to read the scriptures to them; their mouths are full so they talk less….lol. You can also play the bible on audio during homework or quiet time. - Use Bible Stories
There are many Bible Story Books for kids that are exceptional! Using these can add to your child’s understanding of the Word of God. You can help them understand God’s word by using different translations and reading bible stories.
Related post: 8 Amazing Devotionals for Kids
Since it can be hard to find our own time to read, we can read aloud while the kids are playing. Use The Message, NIV, and NKJV along with the children’s bibles to give a well-rounded picture of the stories.
Teach Them to Pray
Helping them understand that prayer is simply talking to God will develop intimacy since they probably love to talk to YOU.
There are some basic truths about prayer every child can grasp and needs to learn when they are young. Here are a few with scripture references to teach your kids.
- God wants us to go to Him in Prayer “Ask….Seek….Knock…” Matt 7:7
- God hears His people’s prayers….and He ANSWERS! “Come boldly to the throne of grace, finding grace and mercy in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16. Also – Psalm 34:17, 1John 5:14
- God deserves the Praises of His people and it is an honor to come to Him. “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High.” Psalm 92:1
- God responds to our prayers – be persistent (Luke 18:1-8) and trust that His will is best.
Here is a complete post on how to Teach Kids to Pray by Faith!
Try to pray with your kids as often as you can to be that lead example. You can pray:
- before meals
- when they get hurt
- before bedtime
- in the morning before they go off to school
- anytime there is a need
We want them to learn that Jesus is who we go to for ALL our needs and to cast all our cares on Him. When they begin to see Him answering our prayers then it will increase their faith and deepen their intimacy.

Wonder of Worship
We all love music! It moves us and touches our emotions in ways most other things don’t. This makes Worship Music is a great way to connect with God and develop intimacy.
You can play worship music:
- during meals
- while cleaning
- quiet time with soft praise
- while doing homework you can have instrumental hymns
- dance parties to celebrate the King of Glory ANYTIME
Teaching your kids the old hymns is also a great way for children to grow close to God. They learn scripture to melodies in many old hymns. You can also read touching stories of the origin of the hymns that bring the song to life.
Here is a simple Kid’s Hymn Study that can get you started on this.
Family Growth
When seeking to know God more becomes a family objective, it will naturally strengthen all relationships. As moms, we will begin to see our kids develop intimacy with God when done all together
Here are just a few more ways to develop intimacy with God as a family.
- Scripture Memorization
“See it, Say it, Do it” method is great for memorizing God’s Word. You see it in the Bible, then say it altogether a few times, then act it out with a simple role play. - Devotional Time
Do this with Daddy, in the morning or during dinner. You can also have devotional family nights. Check out this post for my favorite Devotionals for Kids. - Family Prayer
Many families pray together first thing in the morning or in the evening. Find a time that works best with your family. - Adventures in Odyssey by Focus on the Family
These are fun stories that teach character and morals. You can find them here: Adventures in Odyssey
“The greatest desire of my heart for my sons was that they might become the servants of God.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
Find more ideas on my Family Christian Living Pinterest board and follow me!
Need more tips to Raise Spiritually Strong Kids? Check these posts out:
Why Kids Need Devotionals
Kid’s Hymn Study
Help Your Kids Develop Intimacy with God
Teach Kids to Pray with Faith
MEGA Simple Kid’s Scripture Memorization Tips
How do you try to develop intimacy with God personally? Can you use those ideas for your kids too? Share with me in the comments!