WOW, my kids truly l-o-v-e World Geography. Anytime I pull out the big globe, maps, and our geography binders they know they are in for some fun world geography! This post is specifically on the seven continents, which I think is the best place to start. Check out this fun world geography made easy to get you started!

Not too long ago one of my little guys asked me when are we going to do more geography? It made my heart leap and sink at the same time. I realized I wasn’t including geography lessons into our weeks when the new school year had begun.
With all of the other subjects, geography can sometimes get set aside or completely forgotten.
Perhaps it is the discovery of new places or seeing how kids live in other areas of the globe. One of my kids loves flags and facts! We love THIS map too since it is on the wall and you can use dry-erase markers to circle and locate places!
Whatever the reason, geography seems to intrigue young minds!
I want to encourage you to get excited about sharing with your kids flags, foods, facts, and festivities that belong to all the amazing countries!

Easy Geography Start
As an initial introduction to World geography it is always best to start with the Continents. I think we did oceans too since giving kids the BIG picture view of the planet helps to build on perspective.
I am a binder and divider homeschool mom (we have all our subjects in binders with dividers), so that is where I started when I began pulling together some fun world geography stuff!
My fun world geography plan was to start small by looking BIG.
Sticking with the Big Picture concept, I decided that our objective would be to look at each continent and learn about the biomes & ecosystems, common animals, and major landmarks in the region.
I found a few great printables of the continents and some map activities that my kids could use to see and locate the different continents.
Easy and simple is key!!
Head to this post to see how to complete a Simple Unit Study on any topic! FREE Printable too!
World Geography Resources
Books, Printables, Activities, YouTube and TONS of other ideas are out there for you. These are a few of my favorite things to keep my world geography study made easy and fun!

World Geography Books!
There are lots of world atlas’ that are fantastic for kids these days. In our home library we have this list:
Looking at one of these simple World Atlas’ will help to give the perfect overview of each of the continents.
Other books that we like to use along with our Atlas’ are on animals and children in other cultures. Most kids love animals no matter the topic so exploring animals and learning where they come from most commonly is exciting for kids. This Animal Encyclopedia is poured over each time we study geography or simply go to the zoo!
You also might want to grab this super book called Children Just Like ME! In this book, kids see how other children around the globe live, eat, play, and celebrate. This is a hands-down favorite with my kids!!

Continent Printables
- 123Homeschool4Me has the perfect simple 7 Continents booklet printable.
- Homeschool Creations has a great continent fact file printable that has a place to fill in the key information.
- Tot Schooling has a beautiful continents map puzzle for little hands (and big).
We used these with our small introductory study to keep things simple and I was able to get all of the information we needed from our Atlas collection.
To find other fun activities this little Around the World Art & Activities book is packed with FUN and EASY ideas for you!
For even more resources, check out and follow my Pinterest Homeschool-Geography board.
I hope this gets you excited about World Geography and that you begin a fun & simple unit study with your kids!