“Do your chores!” is a pretty familiar phrase in our home. They often ask me what their chores are and, with four kids, I honestly couldn’t keep track without a system. Check out this Easy Chore Card System Even Kids Love.

Recently, I was talking with one of my besties about all the “mom things” and she mentioned this simple chore card system she was using. Once I saw it, I stole it because it was perfect!!
I implemented it pretty quickly, like days after she shared it with me, and it has been one of the most effective and easy chore systems I have used.
The fact that it is so simple for you to put together and follow is just what us busy moms need!
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Chores for kids are no new thing. We all want to help our kids learn new tasks and skills that will last them a lifetime.
Some simple tasks that personally affect your kids, such as cleaning their room or doing their own laundry, can help them become more self-reliant. Your kids may also take pride in being considered mature enough to take care of themselves. They also begin to have a greater sense of being part of the family.
Here is a quick list of the value of chores:
- Responsibility
- Growing in work ethic
- Learning life skills….for life
- Team/Family player and helps bonding
- Reinforce respect for property and people
- Teaches planning and time management
Related Post: Tips to Help Kids Possess a Strong Work Ethic
So, we know the value of chores. However, cultivating these skills requires consistency on our part, Momma. With my Easy Chore Card System, even kids will love it!
What’s on the Chore Cards?
In our home, the kids have long instilled morning and evening routines. These include some key responsibilities that they already doing daily. Things like making their beds, reading their bibles, doing their laundry, and other daily chores. These easy chore cards contain many of the other little things that must be done often.
Each card has a Daily Chore, which is in addition to previously established responsibilities, that they do every day including the weekend. Then, each card has one chore assigned per day for Monday through Friday.
E A S Y !

And, to help make it even easier, I have included my super simple printable to edit and use.

How does it work?
This Easy Chore Card system will work with multiple kids perfectly!
First, choose how many cards you will need. I have four kids and so I use 4 Cards. Sticking with simplicity, I printed mine on Natural Cardstock colors. I used off-white and then mounted it on a natural brown second card to make them look a bit fancier and stronger.
You can laminate these (i love this laminator) or use different color papers. Whatever will meet your needs and match your decor….it’s up to you. You can easily just print and go.
Second, choose how you will assign them. Depending on the ages and stages of your kids, you might prefer to create one card per child and keep it that way.
If you have multiple kids that can all pretty much pull equal weight for chores you choose then you can rotate the cards weekly.
I feel that this system keeps the kids from feeling like a specific chore belongs to just one of them. They all get to do the same chores at one time.
Finally, put them someplace! The fridge is the favorite place for many moms to hang the chores, but they can honestly go wherever kids will see them. Whiteboards, hallways, dining areas, any will work. The key is making it accessible and in SIGHT.
Putting it Together
I used the following items to create my fridge magnet to hold the cards:
This is how we do it! Each Monday I move the cards to the right on a rotation. With four kids, they have a different assignment every week for 4 weeks.

Here are some craft items that can be used and to give you inspiration!
Many chore systems are great on paper. However, after spending time to make the chore cards pretty and the chores balanced, you want to be sure they GET DONE!
In our home, chores are one of the requirements to have been completed if kids would like screen time. SIMPLE!
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I’m sure you have some responsibilities already established in your home, so this can easily be added on. If not, then this is the perfect easy chore card system to get it started.
Helping our kids to develop good habits, and a sense of being part of the family is invaluable.
Post a photo of your Easy Chore Card system in the comments! I would LOVE to see it and it will inspire others.