Do you know your purpose?
Do you think about why you were created?

Well, you were created for God’s enjoyment! Yes, YOU! Little ‘ole you was created with such a special purpose by almighty God. He loves you and adores you so deeply.
Recently, I was reading one of our morning devotionals with my kids during our circle time and it was all about WHY God created us. There are so many things that we could come up with if we think about our roles as wives, mothers, sisters, and friends and how these help us find our “purpose”.
God had a whole different idea though. His enjoyment!!!
What things do you enjoy? Do you enjoy a fresh cup of coffee? How about a hot, uninterrupted shower, or bubble bath by candle light? Do you enjoy a nice run or a solitary walk in nature? Whatever it is that comes to mind, the one key result of doing something you enjoy is that it brings you joy! It puts a smile on your face!
YOU put a smile on God’s face!
See, God did not “need” us for His mighty plans. Phew – I would probably mess up any mighty plans! Nope, He created us because He wanted to, because He loves our company, and we put a smile on His face.
Just like we mom’s do not have children because we “need” them. Our children add to our lives, bring us joy, challenge us some days, help us to grow, and so much more. We get to experience so many different emotions with our children that we could not without them. Mostly, we get to enjoy our children by being with them.
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This is how God sees you. He gets to see you and watch you learn and grow. He gets to enjoy quiet time speaking to you and ministering to you by encouraging your heart. God has the chance to shower you with His love and blessings. He wraps His loving arms around you in times of sorrow and brokenness. He knows all your weaknesses and faults….He loves you anyway.

You were created for God’s enjoyment!
“And before the world was made, God decided to make us His own children through Jesus Christ. That was what He wanted and what pleased Him.”
Ephesians 1:5 (ICB)
It pleased God to create you. You are more than accepted by your heavenly Father. He loves you with an everlasting love that will never fail. You need never doubt that love – it is deeper, wider, higher, stronger than any love you can experience. Cast off any lie of the enemy that tells you you’re not loved with an incredible love by God Himself!
YOU are what God wanted…what pleased Him!
No devil in hell can change this fact, so do not listen. Take captive those thoughts and let them know Who has the authority in your life – JESUS!
Why does He enjoy ME?
Once we know God’s intention of creating us then, we might ask why did He decide to make us His own children then?
One of our very unique purposes is to bring God glory.
We do not add to His glory of course, but we do have the privilege to reflect His amazing glory to those around us. Like a mirror shows our own image and reflection, we also bear the image of Christ.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Genesis 1:27 (emphasis added)
Since we are created in the image of God, we are equipped to reflect Him. As we learn from Him and read His word, as we spend time fellowshipping in His presence, He is able to show us the ways in which we can bring Him glory.
How can I Glorify a Perfect God?
How can we bring GLORY to God in our everyday lives then? He is perfect and we are not, so how can we show the world His perfection with all our faults?
We reflect Jesus in our worship, by giving Him thanks and honoring Him with the words we say and in how we treat others. When we read our Bible, journal, or spend time in prayer we glorify God.
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“Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Here are a few of my favorites!
This verse makes it pretty simple for us. whatever it is that we are doing — all the ordinary everyday things — we should do these things to the glory of God.
There are so many opportunities to serve others throughout our day. We can show kindness in the ordinary things in our homes – preparing meals, sharing hugs, and even laundry. We also glorify God in speaking life over the ones that He has put in our lives. Encouraging your children and admonishing them honors God. Showing respect to your husband blesses him and your Father in heaven.
He is worthy of all the glory – in everything you do, all the time.
“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Revelation 4:11
You have a heavenly calling to be enjoyed and to be the one to give glory to your King and Father.
By doing this you will also encourage others in their purpose. Share with them that they too were created for God’s enjoyment! Your children will flourish when they know why they were created.
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You were created for God’s enjoyment, friend! Savor that truth and allow His peace, joy, love, and acceptance flow over you!
So let’s walk in the truth of WHY He choose to create us – ENJOYMENT!!
“I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness”
Isaiah 61:10
What does “JOY” mean to you?? Share it in the comments and let me know your favorite verse on joy!

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