Are you new to Classical Conversations? Did you recently move and join a CC Community mid-year? We made the switch one year and I created these Simple Classical Conversations Spiral Notebooks to transition and stay on track!

When we began Classical Conversations in the middle of a homeschool year, I had to come up with a quick and easy solution for keeping me on track and getting a handle on the new curriculum.
Our family was also new to Classical Conversations so I had no clue of what I needed yet.
We joined CC to be part of a community, which is so invaluable as a homeschool family. Not just for the kids and the all too over-emphasized “socialization”, but for us mommas too! When you have that weekly reminder that you are not alone or experiencing things no one else does, it makes your journey of parenting and homeschooling so refreshing.
I wanted to be sure I could easily modify or add to it so I went SUPER simple! In fact, this is probably the most simplified I have done for my kids and we all are enjoying it so much!
Using a spiral notebook, I created cover sheets and the weekly new grammar in a printable file tabbed by subject. Each week the kids would work on the new facts, sentences, and songs as we glued them into their notebooks.
Sometimes the kids would copy the sentence. Other times we did fun fact learning with a corresponding book or YouTube clip on a science or history topic. In all cases I was engaging their different learning styles.
Spiral Notebook Printables
Here are my CC Simple Spiral Notebooks.
What I came up with was a simple way to incorporate the weekly memory work into your daily rhythm by using a simple spiral notebook for each child and gluing in the memory work.
I created the pages to have 4 copies for each weeks memory work per subject.
Here are the Cover pages for Cycle 3, Weeks 13-24.
Here’s a few photo samples of our Classical Conversations Spiral Notebooks.
Putting it Together
I grabbed a simple spiral notebook for each of my kiddos to get us started.
I then tabbed off the pages with these Index Tabs for each of the 6 subjects – History, Latin, Math, Science, English, and Geography – and glued in the cover pages. Then we were ready!
You can print off the Cycle 3 Printables above for Weeks 13-24.
I am working on the rest of the year now and plan to have them available by the time Cycle 3 rolls back around in 2023.
These are a few inside pages we have worked on and added to.

Simple subject tabs to flip the pages.

Geography pages are just copies of the Cycle 3 Maps.

How to Review
Using these Classical Conversations Spiral Notebooks will give you the opportunity to modify if needed or use them just as they are for reviewing new grammar!
There are lots of ways to review the Grammar each week with your kids. You can:
- focus on one or two subjects each day.
- Review all subjects each day.
- Review all and focus on one key subject to dig into deeper.
We love to add a simple Unit Study to our learning. Some topics we have done are birds, butterflies, anatomy, weather, and different wars.
Check out all of my available UNIT STUDIES here!
The sky is the limit depending on the needs and tendencies of your own kids.
Please let me know how your kids like using these Simple CC Spiral Notebooks with a comment.

Check out how to integrate WORLD GEOGRAPHY into your studies at this post.