Where are all my moms of boys???? We love our little guys as much as they like digging up worms and eating everything in sight! To grow along with them, here are some of the best Mom & Son dates that are simple ideas that help you connect

Little boys are born with a love of mud, and weapons, and winning, and a whole lot of other fantastic and fun things!! As mom, you get to help teach and direct your son in the ways of channeling all that fun stuff.
While they are little, boys cling to their moms up until the age of 2. After that many boys begin looking to their father (or father figures) as role models. BUT….Mom, you are SO critical in your sons growing up!!
You want all your kids to come to you when they are struggling or have questions about life. You don’t want them to look outside your family unit. So we mommas need to be that listener, that safe place, while our little boys are still little. This way, when they grow into adolescents, they will be able to “feel” like they can come to Mom.
You might really enjoy this post too: Quality Time with Your Kids
A friend recently shared with me a story about her and her son. He is 17 years old and was struggling with a VERY big issue. This situation was one that he was able to be open & honest with his mom about, even more so than with his dad. She shared with me how he was able to discuss his feelings, and they talked about God’s perspective together. All of this in a healthy, non-judgemental way so that she could help him work through it.
This mom friend of mine has always been the hands-on, no-frills, “let’s just be frank” kind of mom that was always there for her sons (she has 2 boys). Because of the relationship that she fostered while these boys were little, her son now felt like he could go to her with his struggles. He even asked her if they could go away together, just him and his mom, for a weekend. What a blessing!!!
This story is a testimony to the relationship this mom built with her son from he was a little boy.
I want that kind of relationship with my children tomorrow, so I need to focus on it and grow it TODAY.
As much as we would like to, we can not shelter our kids from all the heartbreak and real-life messes they will deal with. We can, however, teach them how and let them know we will be there no matter what.
In today’s culture, it is easy to miss opportunities or to just be so busy we don’t create them. Moms, you must be intentional with your boys now to be their rock tomorrow.
So let’s be intentional.
Let’s create a connection with our sons.
Let’s make that time to build a healthy relationship that opens doors to their future.
Here are some tried and true “date” ideas to hang out with your son on his level and participating in his interests.
And that is the key to these mom & son dates – simple ideas to connect that involve HIS interests that YOU are participating in.
Boys love to move and sports activities are a great way to get them going.
Many boys feel empowered with a baseball bat in hand and a small ball that they can hammer into the air, so taking them to the batting cages is always a fun time.
You can also take in a quick game of mini-golf, head to the driving range, or the tennis courts. Kick the soccer ball around in an open field. As you play you can connect over each other’s successes. Taking your son bowling and wearing those funny shoes adds for the laughs too.

Sports don’t need to be played either, you can always go and watch some teams or even the local softball game at the field.
Playing or watching sports gives you a chance to talk about what good sportsmanship is and how teams work together. All great conversation starters.
Boys have got to eat!
Taking them for a bite to eat where you can sit and just chat across the table is a simple way to build the bonds of your relationship. It can be a full meal or an ice cream date. This is also a good opportunity to try new foods and experiment with other cultures.
My sons don’t like sushi right now, but I look forward to the day when they are willing to at least give it a try! Then we can hit the drive-through on the way home if it fails.
I guarantee that if you put something in your son’s tummy they will appreciate the time together (but you already know that…lol).
Can’t go out to eat? Try cooking together – read this post.
Hike or Climb
Getting into nature is the perfect place to hang out with your son. A walk along a simple trail opens up lots of opportunities to explore and observe our amazing world together.

They can climb trees, scale the rocks, or look quietly for frogs on a ponds edge. If your son is an outdoorsy kind of kid he will have LOTS to chat about on the trail.
When the weather is less than ok for a hike, you can also find a local gym that has rock climbing.
You can keep it simple or really go off roads for an adventure. Anything in between will open up an opportunity to connect.
Arcade Trip
Does your son like video games? If you live anywhere near an old school arcade, then you and your son might enjoy a little video competition. This is a simple and fun way to compete against each other while having lots of laughs.
Skee-ball, Wack-A-Mole, and the photo booth are ways to connect and just be silly. This type of memory is one that he will remember, and likely ask to do again with you.
Winning some of those tickets and a bouncy ball will be the icing on the cake. Even if that 25 cent ball costs you $20 of games, the memories will be priceless.
Animal Discovery
Got an animal lover? He might love a trip to the local zoo to see some big animals. This is perfect to read about different animals and learn together. Make it fun and have a specific focus – like what does each animal like to eat, or what type of climate do they live in.

You can also visit the pet store to discover some more domestic animals and possibly hold a few. Check out a farm, or do a scavenger hunt in the forest to look just for forest animals.
These are some of the best mom & son dates, simple ideas to connect are right where you are if you look.
More Ideas for Mom & Son Dates
These are a few simple things that I have done with my boys. As moms, we know that the day-to-day is HUGE in the relationship building with our sons.
Here are some other simple, fun ideas mom & son dates:
- Play games
- Cook together
- Read together and discuss the book
- Head to the playground
- Watch a favorite movie or show together
- Fishing
- Build with LEGO’s
- Do a craft or science experiment
- Make fake blood (I just did this with one of my boys recently)
Check out this post on how our family makes time to date our kids: Quality Time with Your Kids
Adding in these special one-on-one times will strengthen the bond in the process.
Here are a few of my favorite resources for connecting with your son.
The Good Men Project has an extensive list that is jam packed with 92 ideas!
Website www.imom.com has a great post about this topic too.
BOOKS (I love a good book for reference)! I have all of these books and they are my “go-to’s”.
These have helped to teach ME who my sons are as boys. They are future men, and future husbands & dads. This also reminds me of the value of teaching them how to treat girls too! (My daughters-in-law will thank me one day!!)
Are your kids a little older? Check out this big kid post or this pre-teen post too for ideas!
What are some of your best mom & son dates simple ideas to connect? Are there ways have you worked toward connecting with your sons? Drop me a comment to share!!