Kids love to pick up shells and rocks and seaweed and pretty treasures that they find while out walking the beach. Check out how to use all of those items to create beautiful beach art portraits for kids!!

Next time you are walking the beach with the kids give them a pail to fill up with their beachcombing items.
Check out this Beach Scavenger Hunt FREE printable to add to the fun.
Some key items to grab would be:
- seaweed
- shells
- pebbles
- driftwood
- seagrass
- small rocks
- crab legs
When you get home all you will need is construction paper and glue…lots of glue …to create your nature art portraits for kids.
Here are a few of my favorite crafting products.
Have the kids create a self portrait with the beach items!
Use the small periwinkle shells and rocks for eyes and noses. Seaweed makes great hair. Sticks and straw or seagrass for smiles! 🙂
Here is what my 6 year old created. She is even has a crab leg arm.

Hand them a pail & shovel and let them get digging! I love these collapsible ones for easy packing.
This is also a great time to remind children that God created the seashores so beautiful and He created them beautiful too. You can see the vastness of the ocean to explain how BIG God is. Tying nature to our Creator is one of the most peaceful ways to relate to God.
“There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small.”
Psalm 104:25
If you love the beach then you will also love my Stress Free Ocean Unit Study. There is a full list of books to discover the ocean with in there.
Plus, grab my Beach Scavenger Hunt shown below to help get them going!

How did your kids do on their beach art portraits? I would love to see them!
I really hope that you enjoyed creating with your kids and finding new ways to use ocean and beach nature in art.

Grab my FREE printable Outdoor Scavenger Hunt to add to the fun! See how to use what you find right in your neighborhood to create these Nature Art Portraits too.

This is such a cute idea! My daughter loves arts and crafts and this is right up her ally for sure! Thank you for sharing =)