This girl is not a morning person!! Never have been, never will be. In fact, I just don’t understand morning people.
However, I do feel that it has always been in my best interest to rise early and spend my morning with quiet time rather than rushing into the day feeling the pressures of all that is ahead in the day.
Here are my simple 9 Secrets to Your Best Day that I have implemented. I know you will love it!

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I was able to do this “morning thing” when I was single and could get up at 7am with no one to make breakfast for, or dress and care for. Those days are way back in the rearview mirror now, but I feel the same call to rise early.
There are stages and seasons of motherhood that make it more challenging to get up before little feet come pitter-pattering down the hall, and I have certainly enjoyed staying in bed until my toddler watches one more Disney show before I roll out of bed.
But I have also found that having a little bit of a Morning Routine for Momma is a good thing for everyone. Am I right?? After all, we do set the tone for the house. Our attitude in the morning can make or break a day for the family.
Regardless of what time you get up in the morning, here is what you must do to have your best day! By applying all or some of these simple 9 secrets to your best day, you will ROCK your mornings. You can even accomplish this in 30 minutes if you need to!
1. Rise Early – No snoozin’
This first one can truly be the hardest of all…..getting out of a nice warm, snuggly bed when there are no little people there (okay,, maybe they are still there….slip out stealthy), that can be tough. But, do it! Roll out and embrace what the sacrifice will open up for you on the other side.
2. Refresh – spend a minimum of 5 minutes in the bathroom….alone!
Here you get to take a few minutes in the bathroom alone, which for some of us will be the only time that day you get to be in there without someone looking for you, am I right?!? Wash your hands and face, apply some fresh moisturizer, and if you use Essential Oils you can have some in there to refresh your senses. I have a spray bottle with my favorite blend of lavender with eucalyptus essential oils since it gives me a well-balanced scent – invigorating and calming. Just a spritz in the air or in my hair is enough. Amazing how the nose can be used to awaken you in the morning.
Related: How to Refresh Your Life One Area at a Time
3. Hydrate – Grab that H2O with lemon and ACV
This is before the caffeine. I know, it’s a toughy for me, I just love that morning cup of java to get me going. But I have learned of the benefits of hydrating first. For warm months adding a slice of lemon or a couple tsp of lemon juice and mint leaves to filtered water is the perfect refreshing drink.

In the colder months, I heat my water and add honey with a TBSP of lemon juice or concentrate and a TBSP of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for a warming and invigorating jump start drink. You can also add some fresh ginger.
I do get my coffee brewing though, or my amazing hubs gets it going for me, and I don’t wait to long to grab it quick.
4. Turn on the Tunes – Music is good for the soul
Some mornings call for calm and quiet, while others you want that upbeat tune that will start you singing and moving. This is the best part of music, it will touch your mood and you get to choose it. Turn on something that fits and sing into the hairbrush like no one is watching if you want – my favorite for this is Mandisa’s “Overcomer”.
Worship music can set your heart on the Lord and you can shout Hallelujah praise or sit and soak in the truth of His faithfulness with gratitude. Whatever your mood, turn on the tunes! Some favorites of mine for quiet worship are Kari Jobe’s “Where I Find You” or Natalie Grant’s “Be One” if you want to add to your morning time list.
5. Pray – Seek first His Kingdom
As that music is ministering to your heart, set your face to the King. Be still and spend a little time communicating with the Lord while hearing the inspirational words being sung. Like listening to the music begin listening to how it is speaking to you, allowing the Holy Spirit to minister. Listen as much as you talk. You know some of what the day ahead holds, and you can ask for wisdom in those areas. Then there are the unknown opportunities that God has appointed for you for that day where you will need His guidance and patience.
For more focused prayer time, Beth Moore has an amazing book to guide you. In her book Praying God’s Word you can pray your way to freedom. Other resources like The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian helps me every day to pray specifically for my children. Her Power of a Praying Wife is outstanding also and always challenges me to be intentional when it comes to my husband’s needs.
6. Read & Write the Word – Hear from Him
When we take a little time to reflect on His promises for us, we give God a chance to speak to us. Read a Psalm, a Proverb – there are 31, enough for one a day each month *wink wink*, your bible reading plan, or review a memory verse. Check out this post for some great FREE scripture printables too. It is also a good time to read and reflect on who God says you are in Him. Grab your journal and pen all that God is speaking to you in this quiet time. A simple notebook or a fancy journaling kit will work. The key is in the words you put in it. Here is a good Gratitude journal too if you prefer to focus on a topic.
7. Move – Stretch or walk
If you don’t have time for a full walk/run then simply taking 5 minutes for a little stretching will go a long way to waking up those tired muscles. I enjoy yoga because of the stretching. Since I sit often or stand over a sink of dishes with poor posture, back, neck and full body stretches do wonders! I have found there are plenty of simple and easy stretching routines on my Pinterest Shape it Up! board that serves as a great guide too. I have also been known to do some quick old-fashioned aerobics! Get that heart rate up and you feel more focused.
8. Eat – Do not miss this meal!
This is easier for me if I don’t snack the night before and I actually wake up hungry. I just do not like eating first thing, so I tend to wait a bit – hence why it is #8 on my list *wink*. My latest favorite quick breakfast is avocado/tomato/feta on 12 grain toast. This is so yummy and filling with just the right foods to not feel too full. Other breakfast options for me are:
- slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter
- yogurt with my homemade granola or walnuts
- bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon
- banana and orange juice
Protein is key so eggs are always a good pick too – I just personally don’t like eggs, but desperately wish I did. Just get something into your body to kick start the metabolism.
9. List It – Make a short brain dump
Here is when you can put those quick to-do’s down on paper. Prioritize later, just get it out of your head so that you can be ready to focus on the little hearts that will be waking any minute and need your attention. You’ll be sure to get back to this list later and hopefully get to check some boxes (my favorite part of list making)!
These seem like simple steps, but us moms are so quick to forget our morning well-being.
Try and put these 9 Secrets to Your Best Day into practice TODAY and you will see your smile is brighter, your heart lighter, and your spirit calmer.
They can be done in any order so that this can suit each of our individual needs.
Not every day is perfect and not every morning permits these steps so NO guilt allowed!
Give yourself grace on mornings when you rest in bed, and give yourself a pat on the back when you make it up in the quiet of the day.
Enjoy your Best Day,