Spring is coming, and so are the muddy footprints, wet rain gear, and soggy sweatshirts. Time to get prepped with these 8 tips to manage muddy, soggy spring kid’s gear.

With four kids in our home, the amount of everyday shoes is kind of crazy! For me to have a system in place to help the kids know where to put their gear allows us all to enjoy the spring days
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We moved to a new house during the summer months. When our first snowstorm hit, I quickly realized that I had no snow system or a way to handle my kid’s wet snow gear! You can see how I managed that HERE.
Winter soon passed and, as the snow boots, hats, and gloves get packed away, the spring months bring a whole new set of organizational needs.
These 8 tips to manage muddy, soggy spring kids’ gear developed pretty quick to keep my doorways neat and clean.
This is my must-have boot and shoe tray.
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Below, I have outlined these 8 tips by the TYPE of spring gear that your kids use all spring. I guarantee you will be able to implement some or all of these to create the perfect ways to manage muddy, soggy spring kids’ gear!
The first thing to walk in the door are those waterlogged shooes. Boots, sneakers, crocs, even sandals will track in the most water and mud. Thankfully they are one of the first items to come off too and QUICK so be sure to have a spot for them!
To keep your floors dry, I have found a few great options! I have several of the shoe trays (see above)to put the wet boots on once they are off little feet.
However, first, you need that absorbent entryway rug. Getting a large entry rug will ensure you catch all of the initial drips of snow as the kids come in the door.
If you can place the boot tray near some heat helps too. This way they will dry out and be ready for the next puddle jumping session.
Next, kids pull off those jackets, raincoats, and sweatshirts. When the kids come in from the outdoors you must be ready for them. You likely have a designated place for all coats and jackets to hang up. If this is suitable for wet gear, then you are good to go.
Coat racks and trees are perfect for wet raincoats and jackets, or you can get an over-the-door rack.
When it comes to those wet play days of puddles, rain, and just plain mud, you will want to be sure you’re ready. Pant’s legs get wet and soggy quick so using a designated laundry basket, you can toss all that wet muddy gear right in.
Check out this super convenient collapsable laundry basket! This can collapse to fit right into your hall or kitchen closet for quick access when the kids come in from rainy play. You could also choose an upright waterproof basket if it better suits your space.
You can keep the basket on a good absorbent mat in case they drip.
Looking for Fun Nature ideas? Grab this Green Nature Hunt or Butterfly Unit Study.
It seems that no matter how great the boots are, some kids just get that rain and mud in every crevice while playing – I mean, who can resist jumping in a big puddle???
Their feet will get cold and wet when the water gets in their rainboots or sneakers. This can be pretty dangerous if you have tile floors since they can slip when moving too quickly.
Discover the outdoors even more with this Weather Unit Study!
To avoid slips and wet feet, take those soggy socks right off and pop them into your “wet gear basket.”
Having some dry socks or slipper socks nearby for the kids to put on helps too. We love these cute ones!
All those clothes underneath their jackets might not escape the wet either.
Having some warm dry clothes for the kids to put on is always a good idea. Then they can bring the remaining wet items back to the “wet gear basket.”
At the end of the day, carry that “wet gear basket” right to the laundry room and either wash it (if it was an extra soggy and/or muddy day) or pop it in the dryer. You will be ready for the next day with all DRY gear!
Baseball gloves, caps, hockey sticks….somehow most of it ends up in my doorway, the kitchen, or just on the dining room table. If you have a garage, that is a great spot for a sports rack.
If not, then having a sports gear bucket near the doorway or mudroom is a perfect solution. I like to use a heavy basket to toss all those loose items in also.
You are able to make it blend with your space too, by choosing a natural color and shape that adds to your decor.
Most spring toys can stay outdoors where they are used. But if those small items trickle into the house then I have some great solutions for these.
Driveway chalk, bubbles, frisbees, small balls, toy cars, and any number of small toys will make their way into the house. Be sure to have a designated spot for these.
A small basket or even a plastic bucket does perfect. You can take the whole bucket outdoors when using it, which makes for easy clean up and carry.
You will be glad they have a place for both putting them away and when your kids are asking where they are….if they get into the right spot. 🙂
Finally moms, we have got to have our on-hand items nearby when outdoors. Bug spray, sunscreen, bandaids, tissues, and hand wipes easily accessible when the need arises will help you enjoy hanging out in the yard with the kids this spring.
Check out my perfect DIY FIRST-AID KIT list.
I love to use a simple caddy with separate spots for several items. It helps keep my items organized and I know when I am out of something.
With these 8 tips to manage muddy, soggy spring kids’ gear, you will easily be able to manage everything that comes in the door. I guarantee you will be able to implement some or all of these creative organizational ideas.
Plus, your kids will be able to participate in the clean up and storage.
This will leave more time to connect with your kids and have an ease of mind with where all the things belong.
Now its time to get my doorways neat and clean.
I’d love a comment on the ways that you were able to make some simple changes to stay dry and neat this spring after outdoor play!!

Keep your kids learning the art of observation and discovery every day with all of my AMAZING and SIMPLE Scavenger Hunts.
Beach Scavenger Hunt
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
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Green Nature Hunt