Do you have a struggling learner? Are you looking for ideas to help them focus and progress in his or her learning? You’ll love these tried and true 5 Tips to Help struggling learners by using Time goals!

One of the challenges that parents have when trying to help our struggling learners with school work is maintaining focus.
Staying on task. Completing a math problem. Reading to comprehend. All of these take exceedingly longer when the child cannot focus.
There is often the back and forth battle of “I can’t do it!” or “I hate spelling” too. We try to encourage, but our own frustration can begin to come through, which makes it worse.
If you feel overwhelmed, you will gain a greater sense of control by seeing your child’s growth by implementing some TIME GOALS.
Every child is different and you know yours best. Having some of these tricks up your sleeve will absolutely help guide you.
In my house, I have two kids who these tips work great with. One has Down syndrome and she thrives with routine and time frame goals. Then, my youngest son leans toward the ADHD area so these tips help him focus.
These tips can be used for homeschool or for homework.
So let’s talk about the TIPS and how to help struggling learners by using Time Goals!
Tip #1 – Timers
Timers! Kids either love them or hate them. For struggling learners, I have found that timers work tremendously!! The idea is to set the expectation, like “you will have X amount of time to complete math” and then set a digital timer.
Kids motivated by this method will be more diligent in getting the assignment done and often finish with extra time.
If you have 4 subjects to get through with a child, then you can break this into 30-minute increments and set a timer. The best case would be to break between them if you see your child get wiggly, or plow through if it fits the day.
To reduce pressure, you can let your child know that you will add extra time if they need it to complete the task. The best way to do this is to use the same amount of time given for the first timer block. So if you gave 15 minutes for spelling, then add 15 more minutes if needed.
With 2 hours or more of work you can also do these in different Time Blocks so as not to add extra pressure. Give a solid break between filled with fun and active activities.
Tip #2 – Time Blocks
Time Blocks are a form of setting up daily routines.
These can be really helpful for struggling learners since the expectations are set in blocks of time. They can see how their day will flow and when they need to do school or have free time.
Struggling learners will be motivated to get through chores or learning time when they SEE with their own eyes that after these time blocks comes play time or snacks!
Total motivator for your learner!!
Grab my free Stay at Home Routine printable here!
Tip #3 – Screen Time
Screen Time and I have a “love-hate” relationship. I love it when I need peace and I hate it when it makes my kids hit zombie mode. Can you relate, momma?
For struggling learners though you can really maximize Screen Time!
First, Screen Time can be used to aid learning. There are so many fantastic sites out there that have helped my kids learn while having fun.
Here are a few to get you started:
Adventure Academy by ABC Mouse, Reading Eggs, and Starfall are all fantastic online learning and reading programs that kids love. – Get 1 Year for $59.99! – Click here!Secondly, Screen Time can be used as a motivator to complete the assigned school work. When your struggling learner knows that she can do screen time after the worksheet, or once he does 30 minutes’ worth of grammar, they are motivated to get it done.
Tip #4 – Reward Time
All kids (and grown-ups…lol) love rewards! So using Reward Time to help your struggling learner seems like a no brainer. The key is finding the right rewards for your child.
Some Reward Time offers can consist of:
- TV Time
- Video game time
- Freeze Pops
- Candy (duh!)
- Sticker charts
- Read to them a favorite book
- Play a board game
I think one of the keys to making Reward Time effective in helping struggling learners actually learn is when you use the Reward to aid in the learning.
For instance, if you are doing math then use M & M’s to do the addition, subtraction, fractions, or decimals. Then once they have completed the assignment he gets to eat the candy.
Additionally, you should give the reward immediately after she completes the assigned work. This will keep the motivation for the next time.
Tip #5 – Fun Time
When kids are little toddlers we play so much because it is the way that little brains learn best. Using Fun Time to aid struggling learners is a great way to engage them!
This can be by using games that aid in learning. Crafts or activities that require research or learning. Doing a specific study on a topic that your child really enjoys. Audiobooks are another fun way for kids to learn.
Anything that makes the learning F-U-N!!!
Here are a few great game ideas:
I know that using these time tips will absolutely help you and your struggling learner achieve success!
All you want is for your child to learn, grow, and thrive in school! Using some or all of these will get you on the path of victory and overcoming the challenges that you’re up against.
Please share with me how this tips impact your child’s day! Leave me a comment on which one works best.